Overtoon, Nothing's going to happen to us
European Soundart Award AWARD, group show
Nothing's going to happen to us... by Stijn Demeulenaere
Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten in Marl, Germany
From 23 October 2016 to 12 February 2017

The piece is an installation in which video and sound collide. It investigates how our perceptions of an armed conflict relate to a lived reality. For Nothing’s going to happen to us... Stijn interviewed people who had spent some time in contemporary conflict zones, and talked with them about the sounds they heard, and the emotions those sounds elicit.
From these interviews he took one story and asked some sound designers with a lot of experience in designing the sound for action movies, to tell him how they would design the sound for this particular scene. By confronting these two perspectives Nothing’s going to happen to us... wants to research the no man's land between imagined emotions on the one hand and real memories on the other. Between an artificial ‘presentation’ of danger, and an authentic, lived memory of it.

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