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Penelope Odyssey in Transmedia
Theatre des Champs-Elysees is developing a transmedia pilot project, arount its Le retour d’Ulysse dans sa patrie opera creation, with the cooperation of several institutions and partner schools (120 students, 30 teachers and 20 artist°. See the PDF presentation.
How far is it "transmedia" (about this concept, see Transmedia)? At first sightit includes a transmedia dimension, developed on the side by students and their teachers. It’s rather interesting, even thoug marketing plays it’s part. Communicating on the works central space, they widen its audience and pehaps its impact, while promoting derived products which more (or less 😊) than transmedia refer to derived products selling.
In this specific case, one can doubt that the Theater’s audience and the fictitions products on Facebook be the same, or even have an important common part.
But let us take it positively, and so more so that this Theater is making constant efforts to make good profit of the new technologies.
More info on Thierry Hilleriteau on France Musique, and Christine Simone on France Inter