Image from CB News
Digital Issues at last in French Policital Campaigns !
Le numérique enfin dans la Campagne Politique Française
Rather absent from the political discourse in the last months, the digital issues are now raised by some candidates, at right and at left. And to begin with the key issue : the uncontrolled and unfair strategies of the big groups (aka Gafa...). Two recent examples :
- At Right : François Fillon : "Face aux géants du numérique, pas de faiblesse" (interview in Capital)
- At Left : Benoit Hamon : "Les grands groupes du numérique profitent d’une « asymétrie fiscale) (in Le Monde).
This is perhaps not a directly artistic theme. But the consequences for art will no doubt be heavy. And Art has to play its part in this fight of primary importance.
On this topic, read for instance Quand la liberté devient dangereuse, de Thierry Crouzet.

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