Beyond the Lines: Vernhes and Mohr
Oct. 13 - Nov 25 , 2017. Paris, Galerie Charlot.
See diccan about Manfred Mohr and Eric Vernhes.

Diccan's gives generally no part to artists biography. But in this case, the
simultaneous creativity of a senior artist and a more younger must be underlined.
Here are they, on Oct. 12, for the opening at Charlot's.
(Disputable assertion:) Such a continuity in creation is perhaps a specialty
of digital art. In traditional fine arts (painting, sculpture) each generation
tended to build its name against the former generation, not without resistance
by the veterans, entrenched in art institution. Typically, the Impressionists,
and more generally the Avant-Gardes.
But digital technologies, in spite of the Moore's law, keep a strong continuity
since the invention of the bit by Shannon en 1947. Programming techniques are
basically the same with C++ or Java as with Fortran and Cobol some 60 years
ago. Hence, as long as your mind keeps fresh, you can break new groud at 80
as well as at 20.