Credit : Bbot - Eva Papamargariti
Bbots: Rebelling Nature
Bbots / Rebelling Nature - Anne Roquigny
Data City - Centre des Arts d'Enghien-les Bains - France
Opening: April 20th - 6.30pm
Exhibition: April 20th - July 13th 2017
BBots are connected sculpture for exhibiting online artworks into the physical world.
These pervasive devices blend physical and virtual spaces in a unique way.
"Rebelling Nature", curated by Anne Roquigny is a selection of online works from 11 international artists including:
Alix Desaubliaux, Emilie Gervais, Eva Papamargariti, Isabelle Arvers, Joe Hamilton, Katie Torn (not properly digital), Pussykrew (?) , Philip Stearns, Sabrina Ratté, Yoshiide Sodeoka and Snow Yunxue Fu.
The dematerialized works are questioning human activity and how it has been transforming the planet and its ecosystems in monstrous and grotesque ways. The online works are an invitation to meander through imaginary territories with saturated, artificial and volatile landscapes.
They reveal desolated and devastated panoramas, apocalyptic, freakish, post catastrophy sceneries.
Our consciousness is challenged by the vision of pixelated worlds, where nature is impertinently and ironically following its mind. The overwhelmed and rebelling nature is taking back its own rights and behaving in a peculiar manner.
DATA CITY is a group-show of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network presented at Centre des Arts d’Enghien-les Bains : www.cda95.fr . The artworks and routes of the DATA CITY exhibition reveal the possibilities merging from the DNA of each cities: Austin (USA), Dakar (Senegal), Gwangju (Korea), Linz, (Austria), Lyon (France), Sapporo (JP), Tel-Aviv (Israel) and York (UK).
Including Bright White, Miguel Chevalier, Sin Do-Won, Norimichi Hirakawa, Adrien M & Claire B, Verena Mayrhofer, Officina Mamiwata, Anne Roquigny, Ran Slavin and Studiomodo.