(under) standing : (micro) cosmos + (macro) cosmos
July 5-7, 2017. Marseille. A seminar, with networking and performances, proposed
by artist Venzha Christiawan (Honf Foundation, Yogyakarta, Indonésie),
resident Iméra 2017. More info.
Full Program (PDF)
" Artists and scientists share a curiosity for the unknown, an appreciation
for the beauty of the worlds they explore and an interest in creating something
new. Both science and art are human attempts to understand and describe the
world around us. One dominated by technical introverts, the other by expressive
eccentrics. The subjects and methods have different traditions, and the intended
audiences are different, but in fact that the motivations and goals are fundamentally
the same. Science simply means finding out about stuff, but in that process
science is the greatest driver of culture. We share because we are social creatures."