Pia Myrvold, a Startup in Couture Market!
"Hi, I am Pia Myrvold, I create art. Now I need to fund my project. I need 35000 Nok. Help me and check out how you will be rewarded :) ".
Myrvold takes another step from complex interactive graphic art towards fashion and couture. Up to 2014-2015 (see our diccan item) she produced more and more ambitious projects, culminating in the global work Avatar. Then, in some shows like Variation, and later at Lélia Mordoch Gallery, she presented much simpler "scultptures", still with animated by lights but mainly with fabrics and plastic.
That she goes ahead in the couture/fashion world goes along with a deep digital art trend from the elitist "art world" of collectors to wider markets like construction and fashion (see our paper about Fashion Tech). A wise... and bold, move.