Pia Myrvold, a Startup in Couture Market!
"Hi, I am Pia Myrvold, I create art. Now I need to fund my project. I need 35000 Nok. Help me and check out how you will be rewarded :) ".
Myrvold takes another step from complex interactive graphic art towards fashion and couture. Up to 2014-2015 (see our diccan item) she produced more and more ambitious projects, culminating in the global work Avatar. Then, in some shows like Variation, and later at LĂ©lia Mordoch Gallery, she presented much simpler "scultptures", still with animated by lights but mainly with fabrics and plastic.
That she goes ahead in the couture/fashion world goes along with a deep digital art trend from the elitist "art world" of collectors to wider markets like construction and fashion (see our paper about Fashion Tech). A wise... and bold, move.