Online Show, Algorithmic Curating
Sept.1 , 2017 - Jan. 25, 2018. France More info, from Les lettres numériques (paper by Raphael Dahl)
Les Recombinants. An online art show by Maja Edelstein-Gomez. Algorithms have
chosen the pieces among hundreds of proposals in the frame of an international
Designed in real time, the show presents a mix of videos, sounds and texts,
constantly re-composited on screen.
Up to Sept. 10 on Art-O-Rama (International Art Show, Marseille).
Up to Jan. 25, 2018, on lesrecombinants.fr / therecombinants.com
Producer Zinc (Marseille), with the support of Dicréam-CNC, Château
Ephémère (Carrières-sous-Poissy), Espace Gantner (Belfort)
and Rhizome (New York).