"Retour Siggraph" in Paris
Sept. 19, 2017. Cap Digital, Paris More info and see Siggraph 2017 Website.
- The number of attendants (16 500) was the best since 2013 (17 162) but of
course far from the 1997 summit (48700). The number of exponents (150) is nealy
stable since 2009. (See the general figures
, as far as we could collect them since the start of the event in 1983)
- France is strongly present, both with its twin booth in the center or the
commercial show and the number of films accepted in the competition. A french
student team won the Students projects best award.
- No impresive breakthrough in animation films subjects or techniques, but stil
better and better quality of images;
- Deep learning is more and more studied in the labs. Not always with clearly
better results than traditional algorithmic methods. See the papers
on line .
- Some interesting experiences with VR.
- For the Art Gallery, see our post. (from
Leonardo's special issue).
See also a Report by 3D Artists on line,
Presentations by:
- Pierre Hénon (Paris ACM SIGGRAPH) - Accueil et présentation
- Stéphane Singier (Cap Digital) - Panorama général
- Marie-Paule Cani (Ecole Polytechnique, Chair des Technical Papers ) - Quelques
articles scientifiques marquants
- Mâa Berriet - Les nouveautés OpenGL et calcul sur GPU
- Théophile Dufresne, Florian Babikian, Gabriel Grapperon, Lucas Navarro,
Vincent Bayoux, Victor Caire, réalisateurs du film "Garden Party"
(MOPA), Best student project. Leur vision du Computer Animation Festival.
- Pascal Terracol (ENSA Paris-Val de Seine) — Présentation d'un
- Stéphane Singier (Cap Digital), Pierre-Marie Boyé (CNC), David
Gal-Regniez (Imaginove) - Le stand France et le soutien du CNC
- Fabienne Le Gall (Ranch Computing) — Vivre le SIGGRAPH en tant qu'exposant
du Pavillon France
- Claire Maeseele (Cap Digital) - l’offre Pavillon France 2018