Visigrapp: 2018 announced, 2016 Proceedings Published
Jan 27-29 2018. Visigrapp 2018 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. More info.
The purpose is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in both theoretical advances and applications of computer vision, computer graphics and information visualization. The event is composed of four co-located conferences, each specialized in at least one of the aforementioned main knowledge areas: Grapp, Hucapp, Ivapp and Visapp.
Deadline for regular paper submission: September 12, 2017
On August 13, 2017. Springer publishes the proceedigs for 2016, Computer Vision,
Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
11th International Joint Conference, , Rome, Italy, February 27 – 29,
2016, Revised Selected Papers. More