Malgrin Debotté
Tomorrow's Connections at Louchard's
Apr. 14-15. 2018. Paris More info. Organized by the students association LPIA (Laboratoire des Particules à Innovations Artistiques).
This show groups ten youg artists, of different specialties, around the new information technologies theme. They deal with the digital word, but are not algorithmically oriented. Let's note:
- An animation film, Malgrin Debotté (2018), by Morgane Marinos, in collaboration with Cindy Kinadjan, Claire Brodelle and Clarisse Valeix. It is quite typical of the short films you find at Siggraph, but with a lot of creative ideas, and a mine sufficiently independent to keep some (short) rather explicit sex images, with a risk of exclusion from international competitions and young public market.

Sweet past.
- A quite funny (probably acrylic) painting, a street scene with superimposed digital messages.