In and Off at Laval. The Artists and Works
The In Show
With headsets:

7 Alchemies. Click on the imagefor the video.
> 7 alchemies in virtual reality, by Julio
Le Parc and Juan Le Parc. Seems
mainly due to Juan, inspired by his father Julio. A good headset (HTC Vive)
and quality images. Three works presented: anti-war, eroticism (explicit),
evasion. The shapes are inspired by white and blue ceramic. These images
are generated by models and not from video takes, then the quality can be
> Zero Gravity Being (Etre en apesanteur), by Chu-Yin
Chen and Swann Martinez. A complex
system. The spectator is engaged to set himself in a sort of net, wearing
a headset.

Gwendoline Bachini. Click for the video.
> A#3 Motu by Gwendaline Bachini. Through the heaset, interact with a real dancer. With some technical limitations, for instance the visualized dancer is smaller than the real size. Due to video compressions, the images are not perfect (in contrast with Juan Le Parc, for instance) . But the interaction game, using the viewers gaze, induces cooperative movements.
> VitRails, by Nefeli Georgakopoulou, Dionysis Zamplaras and Sophia Kourkoulakou, collectif Continuum. The spectator is facing a blackboard. When he puts on the headset, he sees the same board, but when he applies his hands on the surface, he penetrates in a new universe.
> Immemoria Nicolas Bazoge, Marin Esnault, Denez Thomas, Alice Bossuat (Université de Rennes). Explores the relations of images and the spectators voice.
Without headsets
> Point-Cloud Portrait Jeanne, by Catherine
Ikam, Jean-Louis Fléri and
Tomas Muller . A video using moving
clouds of points to give life to a face. Some interaction wih the visitors.

Chia-Chi and Isdant: Shortened Body.
> Shortened Body (Corps Raccord) by Chia-Chi Chiang and Raphaël Isdant. Got the award (though not properly VR, not even properly immersive). The graphic effect requires that 2 spectators are cooperating: when they join hands and have the other hand on the system sensors, lines and graphic patterns flow between the two poles on the screen.

Hybrid sensorium, click here for the video
> Hybrid Sensorium, by Saint Machine. See Feed
me ritual. Was presented at Ars Electronica 2017 (see
video). Does not use headsets. You immerse yoursefl into the presentation
(video or generative images, cloudy) inside a sphere.
> Art Avatar, Interface with Virtual Mirror, by Pia
Myrvold . Videos of her presentations elsewhere, for instance in Paris
> Elfe, by Jean-Paul Favand
. Video mapping on pieces of driftwood
> Anima, by Elhem Younes
. Interaction using eye tracking.
> Magic Flowers by Patrick Appere
and Claire Sistach . Seems to be an
interactive video. (We have no data, but the research of Sistach at least
is worth a click).
> Numerica, by Julien Lomet,
Grégory Penneter, Yves Bocquelet and Alexandra Brun. Interactive

> Papillon 2.0 by Vincent Meyrueis. A mechanical butterfly in
a cage, animated by a sensor, in a Theremin like effect.
In the Off Show
- The real and its double show a tMusée d'Art Naïf et
d’Arts Singuliers
> Aliaj Angelus, by Isadora Teles
de Castro e Costa & Alexandre Gomez
> The Sung Portrait, by Isadora Teles de Castro e Costa &
Alexandre Gomez
> The Skin Theory, by the Ascidiacea Collective. Explorations
on sound.
- Which prospects for a retrospective? at Musée-École
of la Perrine
> Dandelion byMichet Bret,
Edmond Couchot and Marie-Hélune
> Brain Factory by Maurice
> Uzo. A art project for a virtual realitygame, by Inrev (laboratory
in Paris 8 University)
> The Sung Portrait, by Isadora Teles de Catro y Costa and Alexandre
Gomez (see above)
> Aliaj Angelus, see above.
> Roswell, by the Spatial Media
group. Research more than art,

Chanhthaboutdy : Interactive Vanity.
> Interactive Vanity 3.5 by Somphout
Chanhthaboutdy, with a headset
> Jumanji-i-Real, by Amandine Body, Lauryna Chinappen, Evan
Giraud and Yohann Rouille (Savoie-Mont-Blanc University). A game mixing
real and virtual worlds.
> Aster, by Thomas Nicolas, Sarah Le Joubioux-Fernandez and
Victoria A. Dujardin. A game. (Savoie-Mont-Blanc University)
> Skrimsli, by Khouloud Fatnassi, Lucie Gervais, Jorge Gomez
Carmona and Noémie Sanchez. (Savoie-Mont-Blanc University)
> Tank[2] byElodie Kondracki
Use of mirrors
> Geometric space (check the title and location) by Juan
Le Parc. Pleasant use of a headset, since the geometric shapes can be
generated with precision, since the computations are lighter than with full
rendered images.

Judith Guez : Lab'Surd
- Vrac Collective, at the Orangerie, Jardin de la Perrine
> The Gate , by Jean-François Jégo, Tom Giraud,
Kevin Wagrez, Guillaume Bertinet and Judith Guez. With headset to look at
the other side of the gate?
> Lab’Surd by Judith Guez
, Guillaume Bertinet, Kevin Wagrez, and sound by Florian Costes.
- At the Houseboat (Bateau-Lavoir)
- Dive into Japan. by Camille
Havas (text and animations) and Frédéric Cartier-Lange
(illustrations). Augmented memories.
- Mayenne-Sciences grotto. by The Musée de Saulges. Visit
with a headset.
- At Bains-Douches. Finally cancelled:
- Artworks by Christel
Morvan and Annabelle
Morvan., from their research on the virtual matter.
- At the Theater
> Sewn Mankind by Anne
Bothuon. through stitch and nodes and straps, gives life to artworks
with her thread. at Théâtre de Laval.
- Within the Commercial Show
> Projections by Hugo Verlinde and Maa Berriet. A ten meters
wide wall with four projectors. The projection changes according to the
public movements.