Art, Literature and Social Neworks
May. 21-17. 2018. Cerisy-la-Salle. More info.
Colloque - Art, littérature et réseaux sociaux. Led by Emmanuel
Guez and Alexandra Saemmer.
Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle.
Provisional program, partly translated by diccan
- Introduction, by Emmanuel Guez and Alexandra Saemmer.
- "Donc" Workshop by Raphaël Bastide, Louise
Drulhe and Sarah Garcin.
- Art and Gafam
. Algorithmic imperialism and insurrection attempts, what is at stake ? by Alexandra
. When data goes, everything goes! by Albertine Meunier
. The sweet trap benediction: the digital author facing Facebook. by Erika Fülöp.
. Teaching skills of Surf Club, by Raphaël Bastide
- Net's Theatrality:
. Make ditgital theater, by Arnaud Maïsetti.
. Digital Texts ans Scene settings, by Eli Commins. "
. The game of Literary, by Jean-Pierre Balpe.
. My Little Identity by Françoise Chambefort
- Ecocartographies of the Web
. Faux-plats, using fiction to map our political spaces , by Cécile Portier.
. A critical atlas of Internet, by Louise Druhle.
- Anonymity, Heteronymity
. Praise of the invisibility, by Emmanuel Guez.
. Epiphanies of contents. Diseases and ecstates of social screens, by Gustvo
- Literature.com:
. From one order to another one at Publie.net , by Marc Jahjah
. Summer, social graphic novel on Instagram, by Nolwenn Tréhondart
. Build an an author's posture trough networks highjacking, by Anaïs Guilet
- LiteraTube, or the the other voices, by Gilles Bonnet
- #WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouTweet, cast the World into click-words, by Gabriel Gaudette.
- History and Mediarchaeologies
. New exposition modalities of Net art by Serge Hoffman
. Image vs Data. Digital Art and mediactivism, by Jean-Paul Fourmentraux
. From the computational factory of de Gaspard de Prony to the Amazon's Mechanical
Turk by RYBN
. Telematics novels 1983-85 (Ascoo, Vertige(s), The lost object ) by Camille
- Minitel and alternative landscapes
. The Minitel in terminal phase, by Jerome Saint-Clair
. From Minitel to country computing, fairy landscapes planted with algodata,
by Benjamin Cadon.
- Perennization or networked arts, round table
. Art Minitel: a server rebuilt, by Stéphane Bizet
. Dead Social Networs, by Lionel Broye
. Sustaining networked art pieces and the API Google, Facebook, Twitter &
co.), by Morgane Stricot
- Expositions
. 3615.Love Exposition, curated by Pamal.
. White zone, with Jade Chastan, Chloé Foëx (ESA Avignon) and the
students of Ensav-la Cambre)
- Performances
. From banana to boot, performance by Serge Hoffman.
. Dead Minitel Orchestra, by Jérôme Saint-Clair
. Lively ephemeral swarm, by Lucile Haute, with Jade Chastan, Chloé Foëx,
Laetitia Fuzeaux and Alicia Hidoud (performance).
. The animal I then am ("L'Animal que donc je suis...) by Lucille Calmel.