Charlot, Mordoch, Waltman: openings
- Sept. 13 - Nov. 10, 2018. Paris, Galerie Charlot . More
- Sept. 13 - Oct. 9, 2018. Paris, Galerie Olivier Waltman.More
- Sept. 13 - Oct. 6, 2018. Paris. Galerie Lélia Mordoch. More
Galerie Charlot opens the fall with a solo show for Olga Fedorova. Digital?
More as a topic than as a technique. Several pieces show digital technologies
at work in the contemporary love life. All the videos, as wel as prints, are
3D creations. With up to 72 layers for some pieces.
Most impressive technically, the video Naked Gym, where a man and a
woman run on a trainer, exchanging glances but nothing more, while drones are
peeping through the windows. Such a work requires quite heavy compositing chores.
At first sight, the work looks like quite ordinary filmed video, with some special
effects. But more attention shows that they are really 3D animation films. For
instance, the naked bodies lack (adult) details and moves that would be expected
in a film and not so easy to mask. (Unfortunately Fedorova does'nt with to communicate
about the set of 3D tools she uses).
But then, why have chosen a so much 2D appearance and lack of 3D effects like
camera moves? François Zajega, another
artist in the Charlot's offers impressive space effects (on abstract drawings).
Perhaps is it to difficult here, with a quite heavy combinatio of software products.
But Fedorova does not seem inclined to comment technical chores or trade secrets.
As with the Data Dating show, presented last year, one can wonder why the association
of sex and computing is presented under such a negative angle. That inspired
us some verse:

Always deep and daring, Charlot.
Digital fifty shades, or no.
Will the girls, playing high, and low
Some day make a baby, for show ?
At Olivier Waltman's, "Surexposition", by Julien Graizely. Traditional painting media, digital somehow by the way human body views are mixed. A kind of reconstruction after autopsy,with other graphics added. Some sculptures by Alain Le Boucher add 3D and moves to the show.

Lélia Mordoch combines a traditions gallery show with a book selling, digging into its now quite wide collection of books about its artists : James Chedburn, Miguel Chevalier, Horacio Garcia-Rossi, Yukio Imamura, Alain Le Boudher, Pia MYrvoLD, Laura Nillni, Francisco Sobrino and Pétra Werlé.