Using AI to Paint With His Mind
Dec. 12, 2018, Washington. From the Washington Post through ACM Technews
Roboticist Alexander Reben uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create works of art. His images are eventually reproduced physically in a Chinese town that is home to artists who specialize in re-creating works of art on canvas, completing what Reben described as a "robotic loop of art-making." Reben's technique begins with a computer model that combines words together to generate a single image. The resulting image is paired with other images, creating a "child" image that enhances the visual chaos. Reben views those images as an AI program measures his brain waves and body signals to identify which image he likes best; an image that passes the likability test undergoes several more rounds of AI retouching to enhance the resolution.
Au programme: Symphonie d'une nuit sans étoile par la compagnie Dédale Music, exposition et ateliers de Lightpainting par la Ligue Francophone de Lightpainting, présentation de la Wip Map du Studio Chevalvert coproduite par le Lavoir Numérique, et projections du film d'animation Le Lavoir Paratonnerre, réalisé par Laurent Melon.
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