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ZKM: Explore the history of the future

Dec. 20, 2018, Karlsruhe.

More info about ZKM. our posts about ZKM.

The ZKM wishes for 2019

" An exciting ZKM year lies behind us. With the second phase of the exhibition »Open Codes« we turned digital art into an interactive experience and tested new forms of democracy. In the museum we created a platform in which we encouraged all citizens to engage with the digital world and to critically question it in meet-ups, discussions or lectures. Our vision of creating an open space for open data and open minds has come true.

In the New Year, we would like to invite you to join us not only in looking to the future, but also in exploring the history of the future. How has art changed as a result of technological change? What distinguishes us from a machine if a machine is able to make art? »Writing the History of the Future«, our unique collection of interactive media art, will tell you an innovative history of 20th and 21st century art from February 23, 2019.



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