Animé: Group Show of Abstract and Digital Art
Jan. 31 - Feb. 16, 2019, Paris . More info. 5 rue des Immeubles Industriels, 75011 Paris
This third show of digital art at the Abstract
Project gallery testifies of the persevering pugnacity ot its curators,
or more exactly of the small team of artists who manage this gallerey and curate
these dedicated shows.
For years, Réalités
Nouvelles , a yearly large show at Parc Floral (near the Vincennes castle)
included some digital artists. But this show is open to abstraction in the wide
sense. In 2018, only some 20 artists were using the computer in their creative
process. So, they felt quite lost in this community.

But the show had also created a permanent gallery in Paris (near Nation), named
Project. Then a small team, led notably by David Apikian, decided to use
it for shows specifically dedicated to digital art.
The first event took place in december 2017 (we did'nt cover it). The second
one happened in november-december 2018, and we made a post.
A strong curating effort led to the present show, the second during this winter.
Nearly the same artists, but they all complied with a unique format, on tablets
hung the traditional way on the walls.
The pieces are not deeply innovative (no less that the star pieces you can see
at the main galleries of the specialty, like Charlot, Denise René or
Mordoch). But they span the width of effects you can get with pictures generated
dynamically on screen with a variety of algorithms and graphic tools.
And even more important, they prove that this kind of art is still full of life
and possibly of future innovations.
The artists in show this time are :
David Apikian. Fuzzy/sharp blue movements.
With music. (also in 2017 and 2018)
Jean Ballon. Concentric circles, more or
less irregular
Milija Belic. Matrix of matrices, with color
variations (also in 2017)
Jean-Pierre Bertozzi. Slow
Carol-Ann Braun. Gobo. Shapes,
controlled by a webcam when available. (also in 2017 and 2018)
Michel Debully, Anima Vera.Colored
linear forms (also in 2017 and 2018)
Aleksander Drakulic. Interferences (also
in 2018)
Eric Levesque. Hypmod. Nearly organic.
Alain Longuet. Supple and colored ondulations.
Using the Armatic tool by Wenger (also in 2017 and 2018)
Christophe Loyer Black and white
play of geometric forms (mainly two triangles)
Jose-Manuel Massano. Nets of circular molecules.
(also in 2018)
Adine Sagalyn. Black and white. A metallic
grid is moved, cut into pieces, tessellated.
Jun Sato. Circulating colors (also in 2017
and 2018)
Go Segawa. Cubic segmented volume. (also
in 2018)
Stéphane Trois Carrés. Black and white kind of feathers.
(also in 2018)
Roger Vilder . Simple rectangular forms
with basic colors. (also in 2017)
Were present at the precedent sessions, but not this one :
Albert Ayme. Paradigme 1970-1980.
Recoded by Alain Longuet
Joannick Becourt 2017 and 2018
Ben Bricelj. Untitled
Laure Calé. Tom's frames
of mind #1 (2018)
Dupierris. Ref. 618 (2018)
Astric Espenhain.
Sylvie Jorajuria. 48
nights (2018)
Kulesza. Interferences (2018)
Fernando Leon-Guiu
. Quad_085_015 (2018)
Pascal Maillard 2018
Taku (Taku Hayasaka) .
Mandara (2018)