Erewhon: Humans, Machines, Harmony
May 7, 2019, Paris. More
Info . See also Wikipedia.
Erewhon / Erewhyna. Jeu de Paume on tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 7pm.
Olivier Bosson, Pierre Cassou-Noguès, Stéphane Degoutin and Gwenola
The exploration of Erewhon continues during this second session with a series
of six new episodes. In Erewhon, machines have evolved to become autonomous.
They freed the inhabitants from work as well as from any other worries. The
Erewhonians are therefore perfectly free. They are happy... and somewhat strange.
Their actions are not ours. They listen to the plants think. Or sing love songs
to robots. They caress the animals they are going to eat. Families live in perfect
harmony in fully connected houses without any dysfunction ever disturbing this
home automation happiness.
The screening will be followed by a performance lecture by Olivier Bosson entitled
Erewhyna's world is similar to Erewhon's. Here too, it is teams of engineers
who run the company. They are the ones who would have designed these scenarios
to the glory of flows, relying on the benefits that an abundance of traffic,
circuits and pipelines would bring, they have programmed the autonomous and
infinite deployment of machines and networks.
Disturbing comedy, when the disturbing strangeness turns to comedy. Or the other
way around. Is this city, which may not be the city of the future but which,
at least, is taking shape behind our screens, comical or strange? Should we
laugh about it or worry about it?