Le Fourneau (Brest).
Digital Creation in Bretagne
(Brittany, France)
Regional data base http://ddab.org/fr/ (not specially digital).
Bouillants festival, in various places (Vern-sur-Seiche, Rennes, Saint-Brieuc and Quimper).
- Le fourneau (hosts a multimedia cultural space)
- Festival Astropolis.
- Net of the municipal Libraries.
- Elektroni-k Festival http://www.electroni-k.org/
Lorient (Morbihan): Festival K3 (a week of digital graphic creation)
Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine).
- On the website http://www.condate.rennes.fr you can discover the city at different stages of its history.
- Musée des Beaux-Arts (multimedia active, notably with Gamme, a mobile augmented guide of museums and expositions).
- Les Bouillants. Presentations, annual festival.
In October, Cultures Electroni[k] festival. Infos about the 2011 session. Home page in 2013.
- In December 2010, Festival of animation cinema (Afca) and light projections on monuments, by Spectaculaires.
Saint-Brieuc (Côtes d'Armor)
During the Rock festival, projections on monuments. Video for 2011.
- MJC du plateau.
Saint-Malo (Ille et Vilaine). Course du Rhum (sail regatta), with projections on the ramparts.