Fonséranes, the Christ Child's crib.
Digital Creation in Occitanie (France)
- The Région publishes on line a guide L'art contemporain en Languedoc Roussillon, which is only a part of Stéphan Barron website, teacher in Montpellier.
Albi (Tarn). LAIT.
Les Angles (Pyrénées orientales). This winter resort operates a digital audio network. (See Sonomag, May 2011).
Béziers (Hérault): a Christ Child's crib at Fonséranes (retirement home of Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes) Video on Dailymotion. This work has something unique: it has been developed continuously since the 1930's, firstwith electro-mechanical means, then put under the control not properly of a computer, but of an electro-mechanical timer connected to a topped CD-Rom.
Causse Méjean (Lozère) La Draille.
Fiac (Tarn). Afiac. Association Fiacoise d'Initiatives Artistiques Contemporaines. Not particularly digital, but based on digital communication. And strongly local/associative.
Gargas (Haute-Garonne). In the Gargas caves: a tactile tablet to revive preshistoric art. See a article.
Malves (castel of), near Carcassonne (Aude): CMI, Centre méditerranéen de l'image (Mediterranean image center).
Montpellier (Hérault).
- La Panacée Art Center. Opened 6/2013
- Galerie Aperto Was present at Cutlog NY 2013.
- Kawenga. A place dedicated to creation, meditation, education and distribution of digital arts. Open to a large public (artists, researchers, teachers, users, children),
- Bipolar, art production and distribution bureau.
- ISI Festival.
- Hybrid encounters.
Nîmes (Gard). Delco festival: concerts, expositions, performance.
Perpignan (Pyrénées orientales). Tilt Festival (music, shows, games, cine remix, , performance).
Sète (Hérault): The CRAC (Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain, Contemporary art center).
Sète. Dailymotion of a work by Peter Kogler.
Sussargues (Hérault): "Les arts des vignes" (Vineyards art) Festival.
Le Vigan (Gard)
- Oudeis. Association, artists residence, events for the public.
- "Art Fair(e)": digital, electronic and media arts.
Sauclières (Aveyron) Musée des automates et des santons (Automata and Christ crib puppets museum).
Souillac (Lot) Musée des automates (Automata museum)
Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). The city is famed for its lively atmosphere, stirred by important universities and research laboratories (computers, robotics). It is dubbed "La ville rose" for the general color of its architecture, and specially its central square, the Capitole square.
- Bellegarde, cultural center.
- Toulouse numérique.
- Festival "Traverses vidéo"?
- Festival "Empreintes numériques".
Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (Gard):
- "Sondes" meetings.
- "Théâtre du Globe" festival, digital theater.