Digital Art History. The 2000's
The stress on quality and distribution.
Last revised 10/15/2014.
Support to digital art
Literature, text
Painting, photography
Cinema, animation, video
Sculpture, design, robotics
Performance (theater, dance...)
Artists and amateurs have access to comparatively tools like Processing (for image), Open Frameworks, or Arduino (for communication of computers with sensors and actuators). The property protection is made easier with Creative Commons.
The classification of artists into different specialties becomes more and more difficult. Nearly everybody gos to "multimedia" or "transdisciplinary" art, if not interactive. Nevertheless we maintain here the traditional categories, until the time when it will be able to give apply names to a different reality.

Douglas Repetto: The Giant Painting Machine (2006).
Support to digital art
2000. Dorkbot founded by Douglas Repetto, as a group or associated organizations that promote grassroots meetings for people involved with electonic arts (artists, engineers, designers, scientists, inventors, etc.). Their motto is "People doing strange things with electricity"
2000. Medialab-Prado starts as a small public digital art workshop within the Conde Duque Cultural Center focusing on where art, science, technology ans society intersect.
2000. Creation of SymbioticA, one of the first research laboratories that enables artists and researchers to engage in wet biology practices in a science department
2000. The Zero1 Art and Technology Network is launched in San Jose CA to encourage creativity at the intersection of art and technology and to produce a festival celebrating this creative intersection.

Doncieux architecture presentend at Asti 2001 (Paris). "Discovering this architecture, in autostéréorelief (Pierre Allio/Alioscopie/APLM) and dynamic mode (Sylvain Huet/Scol/Cryo-Networks) required a fractioning of its structure, compatible with real-time processing and sisplay on four facets".
2001. Sessions on art and prospective Asti 2001 Conference.
2003. Laurie Anderson in residence at Nasa
2004. Machine Project, a Los Angeles based not-for-profit organizaztino dedicated to making specialized knowledge and technology accessible to artists and the general public, is established
2003. The Design Interactions Department at the Royal College of Arts opens to students
2005. Youtube launched
2005. Make magazine, founded by O'Reilly media.2007. Artists in Labs (AIL) launches, with the aim of promoting knowledge transfer between artists and scientists. The AIL program is a Swiss partnership between Zurich University of the Arts, the Institute of Cultural Studies (ICS) and the Bundesamt fur Kulur BAK.
Literature and text
We have now a lot of thinkers about digital an text issues. Julien d' Abrigeon (about noise, see [Bootz], Boris du Boullay, funny remarks and digressions about a short text (see also (Bootz]), Patrick Burgaud , about languages, Jean Cristofol Jean and Fabrice Gallis.
Some poets, in the classical meaning: the linguistic games of Raivo Kelomees, Talan Memmott (Lexia to perplexia), Nazura Rahime (Hypertext), Tino Seghal (conceptual) and Angie Winterbotton (using the Perl programming language)
The generative field is cultivated by Rafael Perez-y-Perez (poem generators), Abilio Cavalheiro with his Sintex tool and even an art critic generator, by Eric Maillet. J.C. Carpenter generates fiction.
But the most busy track combines text and grahics on different ways.
Camille Cholain develops a form of derisive hypertextual poetry on the web. Loss Pequeño Glazier animates poetry on a screen. Wade Guyton prints very large canvasses with few letters.
Kasper Sonne. insertes text in his paintings, and Frank Laroze writes the multimedia way.

Camille Utterbach: Text rain (1999).
The calligraphic digital projects are connected with other medias. A Generative_Typographie seminar is ed by Forian Jennett and Philipp Pape. Meek Design. and Mark Muller bring the typographic aspects of more general projects. A partner for typographic projects. Sosolimited combines typography with video and possibly music. Ricard-Marxer Piñon works on fonts. Michael Schmitz designs logos.
Kurt Campbell associates them and sculpture. And we include here Kaalam, he does not consider himself digital, but we do not resist to the beauty of his performances and recordings. Nitika Pashenkov, with humor, animates interactive characters in his Alphabot.
Particularly pleasnt, we feel, are the poetic interactions of the spectator with rains of letter, by Camille Utterbach and also Robert Cahen.
Other writers
Samantha Gorman Text and performance
Anne Savelli Stories.
Steven Hall Novels
Jason Edwards Lewis Text and perforamnce
Mark Marino Artist, scientist Text, performance
The "electonic music" or "electro". See [Leloup, 2013]
Mainly science and technology oriented

Valentin Durif: Emincé d'oreilles.
Sound research:
Jacobs Aernoudt. Sound research.
Pavel Büchler. Sound engineering.
Christoph de Boeck. Special effectors.
Frédéric Curien. Member of Sliders Lab group.
Valentin Durif . Effectors placed on bizarre objects.
Harddisko. Sound installation with old hard disks (mostly derisive).
Jamy Lidell. Techno-sound with kinects.
Diego Losa. Sound engineer
Stephane Monteiro. For performances, with dance and video.
Tristan Perich. Sounds, combinations of loudspeakers.
Jeroen Vandesande . Sound research.
Jacopo Baboni-Schillingi. Composer. Cooperates with Jean-Pierre Balpe.
René-Louis Baron. Automated tool for composing music.
Michael Edwards. Algorithmic.
Alice Eldrige. Music and artificial life.

Alice Eldridge: You Pretty Little Flocker: 4 x backlit transparencies, computer generated images based on a modified boid flocking algorithm (2008)
Dave Griffiths . Generative.
Jérôme Joy. Scientist.
Kiel Long. Interactive experimental.
Amit Pitaru . Sonic wire, Machine sculptor.
Peter Sinclair. Scientist.
Valery Vermeulen. Control device of music with EEG headset
Adrian Ward. Generative.
Martin Wattenberg. Generation from images.
Amon Tobin. Electro-experimental producer.
Christine Webster.She aims to electro-acoustic composition in 3D (topological music).
Wilfried Wendling. Music with multidisciplinary experiences.
Players, groups, public oriented

Björk. Sophisticated sound technology beyond the stage fantasy.
Mainly electronic
Bjork. Uses savant music and electronic tools.
Daft-Punk. Electronic music.
Alfred Darlington. Using Electronic hardware and Pro-Tools.
Angel Faraldo Improviser and insruments creator.
Richie Hawtin. A techno-music producer.
Murcof . Electronica. With Simon Geilfuss.
Philippe Petigenet .
Z'EV. Percussionist.Sound to light.
Nick Collins.
George Lewis. Trombonist and user of computer. ***
Alain Thibault.
Cédric Pigot. Quasi generative.

Jason Freeman. A schema in hisOpinionator blog, about "Compose your ownf".
Olivier Alary. Multiple cooperations.
Igor Baloste. Musician and plastic artist.
Nicolas BauffeInstrument designer and performer.
Music2eye. a group formed by Didier Bouchon, Stéphane Maguet and Stéphane Sikora. Interaction and music.
Nicolas Cante. Piano and computer.
Chris Chafe . With Greg Nemeyer, Ping. Virtual reality.
Young-gyu Chang. Composition.
Cédric Dumetz. With music and curious devices, like a swing.
Marc Em. Music and lightly interactive images.
Brian Eno.
Bill Fontana. The bridge under music.
Daniel Franke
Jason Freeman. Music and interaction.
Marcel Frémiot . U series , avec Philippe Bootz.
Fur. A group...
Emilien Ghomi. Research on interaction.
Derrick Giscloux. Music and interaction.
Pierre Gufflet
Gérard Hourbette. Founder of Art Zoyd group.
Brendan Howell Software and electronic inventions.
Jazzy Jay. A pioneer in DJing and locative media.
Tom Jenkinson
Pierre Jodlowski . Music composer, with an interest for gesture. Takes par in immersive installations for large public.
Sergi Jorda. Collective composition, Siggraph.
Max Kikinger
Emmanuel Madan. Installations, with an architect.
Mario. Humorous software for composition.
Paul Schultze. Composer. Orpheus in silicon.
Raouil Sinier. Comics, music, drawing.
S.S.S.. Group founded in 2003 by Cécile Babiole, Laurent Dailleau et Atau Tanaka. Images and music using several body sensors.
Yuri Suzuki. Interaction and design.
Painting and photograpy

A generative work by Hans Dehlinger
Kurt Baumann. Algorithmic
Alessandro Capozzo. Algorithmic, generative.
David Dessens. Abstract 3D constructs.
David Ebert. Algorist, procedural textures.
Carl Fudge Algorithmic geometry.
Sherban Epuré. Algorithms.
Hubert Hamot. Uses software. Complex creations.
Hye-Kyung Kim. Abstract, on traditional paper.
Mario Klingeman. Algorithmic. A lot of works.
Samuel Monnier. Algorithmic, generative.
Tims Riecke. Black and white print with plotter.
Nathan Selikoff. Algorithmic.
Daniel Shiffman. Procedural painting.
Vladimir Sierrra. Geometric, resembles Vasrely.
Tom de Smedt. Algorithmic.
Mark Townsend. Fractal painting.
JoeTakayama. Algorist ?
Rephael Wenger. Algorithms, used by many artists for images and sound.

Jonathan Puckey
Harley Davis. Evolutionary art
Hans Dehlinger.
David-Augustus Hart.
Eno Henze.
Jonathan McCabe . Turing morphogenesis algorithms.
Jean-Michel Geridan.
David-Augustus Hart.
Eno Henze.
Damien Marchal. Drawings.
Irving Repetto. Giant painting machine.
Non Photo-realist Rendering
: Drawing typologies; Luna Maurer, Jonathan Puckey.Matte, illustrators, realists
We can quote : Alp Altiner,
Victor Anderson, Thomas Bijon (collages), Davide Coltro, Dana-Elisabeth Eber, Nate Hallinan, Drea Horvath (landscapes), Victor Koen, Kurnal Rawat (illustrator), Jana Whittington. (imaginary landscapes).
François de Verdière. Illustrator, processed landscapes.
Chris Stoski.
And also :
Jean-Jacques Apertet. Decoration.
Sue Gollifer. Inkjet prints.
Michel Huelin. Painting inspired by computer.
Data visualization: Carl Bergstrom, Cedric Kiefer, Andreas Koller, Martin Roswall, Moritz Stefane, and Philipp Steinweber.
Victor Acevedo:
Victor Acevedo. Digital printmaking and video. Complex.
Ergun Akleman. Meshes, humor.
Mehmet Akten. Interactive installation.
Ralph Ammer. Drawing and interaction.
Marina Apollonio. Optical.
Buran Arikan
Kohira Atsunobu. Photo and video (music)
Michel Batlle. Painting and video recording with music.
Vera-Silva Bighetti
Adam Brown. Realist portraits
DNA-11. DNA portraits.
Robin Doherty. Digital prints.
Mighel Fiadante. Using software, combination with 3D.
Chris Finley. Not directly digital.
Dona Geib. Realist, materially made.
Alexandre Gherban. Painting or poetry...
Gilles Grimon. Inspiration from digital documents
Matthias Groebel. Complex painting techniques.
Jean-Michel Guénin. Painting.
Thierry Guibert. A member of Sliders Lab group.
Mona Hatoum
Paul Hertz. Algorist ?
Leigh Hodkinson. Compositing.
Tatsuo Horiuchi . Painting with Excel.
Kenneth Huff . Painting, objects, projections.
Toshio Iwai. Optic illustion with rotating tables.
Chris Johnson. Inkjet and acrylic
Pierre Kueny. Using tools.
Azusa Kurokawa. Painting illuminated by Schmitt
Robert Lazzarin. Morphing on 3D
Bonny Lhotka. Inkjet print
Juan-Antonio Lleo. Algorithmic and electro-acoustic
Santiago Lombeyda. Esscher like.
Steve Miller. Combines several technologies.
Mark Milstein. Inkjet print.
Boris Müller. Visuel for a poetry festival.
Arkan Nair. Illustrator.
Warren Neidlich. Painting and phography, a mix of techniques.
Jack Ox. Color organ.
Vaclav Pajkrt . Fractalist.
Jae-Dong Park. Caricature.
Thomas Petersen. "...simple forms that, combined together in layered translucencies, become intricate patterns".
Florian Pfeffer. Visuals for poetry festival.
Javier Roca. Inkjet printing.
Warren Sack . Graphics and texts.
Mitch Saïd. Intersection between digital and physical.
Stefan Sagmeister. Photograhy + Processing.
Adrian Sauer. Painting, minimalist.
Robert Seidel. Processing on photograhs.
Jaco Spies. Landscapes as expression.
Thomas Suter. Textures
Young-kyung Tak. Painting wih a tablet.
Chao-Ming Teng. Square collage.
Patric; Tresset Patrick United-Kingdom U Multimedia W *
Tobias Trutwin. Still images, transparent matter.
Diane Vetere. Uses Photoshop bugs. (compare to Perconte for video).
Chang Young-Hae, Heavy_Industries . Group of artists. Images and music. Social engagement.
Alliban James
Rezo Cali
Schuh Owen
Zhou Jing
Durante Tommaso
Combinations and compositing
Guillaume Herbaut. Documentaries.
Dieter Huber , Ana Marton. Combines different photographis spaces. Patricia Piccini., Orit Zucherman . Combination of photograhs.

Alexander Apostol, from the Series Los Arboles de El Pardo (2008).
Alexander Apostol. Digital photography
Julius von Bismarck. Projection of an image on target when photographed by others.
Emilie Brout et Maxime Marion. Installations, mulimedia.
Dominique Champion. Photoshop.
Charles Cohen. Photo and Processing, with an erotic shade.
Pascal Dufaux. Panoptical.
Madge Gleeson. Photography.
Troy Innocent.; Photos and graphics. Commented at large by [Whitelaw].
Francis Jolly. Mainly digital.
Oyvind Kolas . Transformed photography.
Rob Myers . Generative. Robot painting inspired by Harold Cohen.
Mark Koven. 3D Sort of ?
Anil-CS Rao. Photograhy.
Liu Ren . Digital editing.
Jason Salavon . Graphic operations on photographs and statistical data.
Joseph Scheer. Photographs and prints.
Marion Tampon-Lajarriette. Photograhy and multimedia.
Rephael Wenger . Scientist. Publications...
Casey Williams. Photographs, graphics.
Miao Xiachun . Photograhy and digital editing.
Yang Yongliang. Photography.
Cadioli Marco Photography
Margnac Jean-Paul Photography
Animation, Cinema and Video

Thibault Arcis A film simulating a car accident.
Luc Besson. The Minimoys.
François Blondeaus. Short film Supinfocom.
Caiman Production. Short films.
James Cameron. Terminator, Avatar.
Vicky Jenson. Shrek.
Gina Moore. Shorts.
Motomichi Nakamura. Animation, short
Mark Osborne. Kung-Fu Panda with John Stevenson as director. Brad Pitt. Ratatouille.
Eric Riewer. Shorts.
Appadoo Owen_K Animation
Xun Sun Animation

Mighel Chevalier: Second nature.
Tristan Bastit. A member of Oupeinpo, Pierre Berger, Eelco Brand, Miguel Chevalier, Geoff Cox, Scott Draves, Vincent Lévy.(behavioral), Alain Lioret, Golan Levin, Andy Lomas (nearly bio-art), Nicolas Monmarché, Joseph Nechvatal (viral art), Paul Prudence, Antoine Schmitt, Antoine Visonneau, Marius Watz.
Stéphane Donikian creates a society for stage populating with characters .
More or less interactive
Olivier Auber (multicast, caves), Michel Bret (dancers), Allison Clifford (CD-Rom). Manabe Daito (sensitivity), Rob Lovell (with performance), Joachim Sauter, Servovalve (sound), Verlinde Hugo (behavioral).
More or lesss multimedia
Jim AndrewsRyoichi Hurokawa. Abstract multimedia installations.
Dennis Miller. Digital animation, video and music.
Wall'Ich . Video and music, algorithmic.
Olaf Breuning . Diverse kinds of art.
Arthur Clay Malleable scores.
Michel Cleempoel. Algorist.
Samba Fall. Animation, compositing.
Thorsten Fleisch. Animation film from 3D expression of 4D quaternions (a kind of fractals
Alexandre Fumeron. Motion design.
Andrew Hickinbottom. Tool...
Richard James . Flash and tablet.
Machico Kusahara. Rich.
Sophie Lavaud. Transformation in 3D of Kandinsky works.
Shawn Lawson Algorithmic.
Pierre Michel . Rich.
Miguel Moreda. Short, anime.
Sejong Park.3D animation.
Nancy Paterson. Video installations with screens.
Rosangela Renno. Film projection on a smoke screen.
Mark Stock . Fluid simulation.
Marek Walczack . Using VRML.
Cinema and video

Sam Base
Sam Base. Seems more painting. Generative.
Romain Bechetoille. Video.
Sue de Beer. Video
Zoe Beloff. Diffent types of films.
Jeremy Blake. Mixing architecdtural and abstract imagery.
Nicolas Boillot. Dynamic painting
Romain Bourzeix . Simulation of a bus crash.
Samuel Boutruch. Benjamin Moreau Kolkoz group. Re-interpretation from grassroot films.
Antoine Catala Video
Legalize Corrine. Video for cyber show.
Leonardo Crescenti . Short films.
Alain Escalle. Shorts and logos.
Cao Feil Video
Lizzie Fitch Video
Nick Gaffney . Mutagen. Bio-art.
Gabriel Garcia-Colombo. Video and projections.
Philip George. ?? Mnemonic notations.
Mihai Grecu.
Axel Heide. Umonvies.
Loïc Jugue. Video on the web.
Oliver Kauselmann and Thorsten Kloepfer. Oneandzeroes.
Maria Klonaris . Widened cinema and performance.
John Koza . Evolutionist generative.
Elka Krajewska. A little glitch.
Patrick Laffont. Sometimes interactive.
Shu-Min Lin . Holographic shows.
Antoine-Loeff Barthélémy Cinema
Manu Luksch . Feature firlm about surveillance.
Christophe Luxereau. Still active in 2013?
Eva Magyarosi. Animation, complex compositions.
Steve Mann. Wireless Wearable Webcam
Alexandre Maubert. Films and photograhy with advanced processing techniques. Inspired by Japan
Thierry de Mey. More music ?
Yeon Nam Video
Haytham Nawar. Video and installations
Lionel Palun. Video, performance.
Quayola - Video
Ludovic Sauvagc Video
Ryan Trecartin Video.
Zhou Yi Video
Sculpture, design, architecture
Philip Beesley. Architect. Stage setting and mounting.
Shajay Bhooshan near to robotics .
Tim Borgman. Organic patterns in 3D
Peter Cho Designer, organic forms
Elias Crespin. Moving sculptures, with strings.
Ed Eaton. Virtual structures.
Andreas Fischer . Sculpture.
Nicolas Floc'h. Computer objects as sculpture, or sculpture of computers.
Marc Fornes. Real sculptures, sometimes big.
Gantelet Stéphane. Large metal origamis, and poetry.
Mirsa Haaron. Real sculptures.
Thomas Israel. Sculpture and video. Someimes generative.
Herman Kolgen . Installations. Audiocinetic sculptor.
Abdoulaye Armin Kane. Sculpture and video.
Nathalie Krée. Some digital works.
Christian Lavigne. Ars mathematica.
Benjamin Maus . Digital sculpture.
Erwin Redl. Installations.
Michael Rees. Still images and sculptures. Representation of the human body.
Naoko Tosa . Neuro baby. Emotional.
Pablo Valbuena. Augmented structures.
Xavier Veihan. Angular volumes
Jonathan Villeneuve . Poetic machines by assembly of familiar materials.
Brajkovic Sebastian Sculpture
Peter Vogel Tools
Daniel Widrig near to robotics.
Joanna Berzowska. Jacquard tapestries, with inks and transpaencies.
Aunna Dumitriu. Bio-art.
Barbara Layne. Weaving with integrated message.
Amor Munoz . Fabrics and electronics.
The artists appearing duing this decade tend to combine light and other material objects:
Janne Kyttanen, Patrick Lichty, Daniel Sauter & Fabian Winkler, François Brument and Sonia Laugier.
- monuments: Thomas Glassford (LEDs), Laurent Grasso ,Jenny Holzer (with liquid crystals tapes), Bruno Seillier (including sound), Leo Villareal,
- the body: Marko-93 (highly creative).
- clouds in the sky to alert on ecology and surveillance: Helen Evans& Heiko Hansen (the Hehe group). Countersurveillance.
Kinetic art
Christopher Baude. Balloons controlled by motors.
Pascal Bauer. Complex moving structures.
Cécile Beau. A heap of ashes... a drop in a cup.
Jan Bernstein
Laetitia Delafontaine and Grégory Niel. Group DN. Installation..
Fabien Giraud. Works with Raphael Siboni. Conceptual ?
Simon Greenwold. Computer professional and developer.
Sachiro Kodama. Small sculptures, Organic tower.
Jae-Min Lee. Water lights
Jeff Lieberman. Vibrations
Kenneth Rinaldo. Interactive sculpture.
Ivan Twohig
Hugo Verlinde. Sculpture and lights
Ei Wada
Zimoun. Motors
Design, objects
Aram Bartholi. Performance with objects.
Emmanuel Cayla. Fabrics.
Etienne Cliquet. Represents digital objects.
Gene Greger . Using pills for a portrait.
Natalie Jeremijenko . Installations, clones
Paul Johnson . Not digital per se (says Greene)
Reed Kram . Designer.
Dorothy Krause . Rapid prototyping.
Ryota Kuwakubo . Sort of memory.
Jessica Maloney. Wax and wood framing.
Mathieu Mercier. Design
Ciro Najle. Architectural fabrics.
Olivier Oswald . The dream pillow.
Timoty Schreiber. Furniture.
Carlo Séquin. Mathematical, 3D print.
Raphael Siboni. Moving sculpture.
Richard Wright . Installation with computer garbage.
Shunji Yamanaka . Multimedia and interaction.
Garbit Patrick
Farrell Malachi
A great in smart behavior had been reached in the precedent decade with the bool of Frédéric Kaplan [Kaplan, 2001] about language robotics, using Sony Aibo dogs, and many artists in this "media".
Stéphane Sautour. Fight between Aibo dog.
David Bowen. Kinetic, robotic and interactive sculptural works.
Cynthia Breazeal, Robot expression, with the Kismet robot of her laboratory.
Olivier Decatoire. Derisive mode.
Christian Denisart. Theater, with robots on stage.
Pascal Gautier. Robots on stage.
Matthias Gommel. Martina Haitz Jan Zappe, Robotlab group founded in 2000. Shows with robots.
Theo Jansen . Large robots in open air.
Leonel Moura. Robotic action painter, environment perception and random parameters.
Fernando Orellana. Multiple projects, many wih robots.
Sabrina Raaf . Draws lines corresponding to CO2 concentrations.
Michael Sellam. Experimentst with some robotic works.
Jonh Slepian. Robots mimicking animals (compare with France Cadet .).
Andersson HansLego Mindstorms
Neitsch Sebastian Robotics
Many projects are descibed by [Iwamoto].
Organic forms, molding and folding
Vito-Hannibal Acconci. Organic forms. Multimedia generative.
Biothing. Organic forms. Sculpture.
Chris Bosse . Origami, organic forms.
Hirsuta. Sensual and sophisticated moulded forms.
Kurgan Laura USA Y Architecture O **
Florencia Pita. Installations with molded pieces.
Monica Ponce_de_Leon . Construction by sectioning
Ammar Eloueini . Computed folding. Stages for dancers.
Heather Roberge. Panels by pressure.
Urban A&O. Moss, machine sculpted.
Reiser+Umemoto. Complex, supple forms.
Buck Brennan. On the borderline of sculpture and architecture. Curves and complex tessellations.
Abe Hitoshi. Steel sheets to divide a restaurant.
Alvin Huang . Sectioning, curves.
Alan Dempsey . Sectioning curves.
Martti Kalliala . Sectioning.
Esa Ruskepää. Sectioning. Work with Martti Kalliala.
Architects Decoi . Lissajoux.
Christoph Ingenhoven. Mathematics.
Alicia Imperiale. Theorist.
Christian Babski, Stéphane Carion, Christophe Guignard and Patrick Keller Exploration of spaces, environment. Group Fabri|ch
Jeremy Edmiston. and Douglas Gauthier. Systems architects.
Rodolphe El-Khoury . Robert Levit , Steven Fong , Studio KLF
Thom Faulders . Vegetation on buildings.
Future-Systems Studio. Jan Kaplicky + Amanda Levete
John Gerrard. Large scale installations.
Michael Hansmeyer. Computational architecture.
Hyperbody Research_Group. Research group. Interactive wall.
Toyo Ito . Island city central park.
Johnston_Marklee and_Associates. Rather geometric.
Ruy Klein. Glitch on CNC machines
Andrew Kudless . Cellular, self-organization.
Laura Kurgan. Spatial information design. Social aspects.
Sébastien Lempereur. Elaborate forms. Non longer on the web (2013)
Peter Macpa. ?
Thomas McIntosh . Architecture and installation.
Irwin Quemener. Creative.
Ali Rahim. Complex forms.
Carlo Ratti . Digital water pavilion.
Servo. A presentation device
Architects Shop. Controlled cutting of polymers.
Ivaro Siza. Some complex forms.
Tom Wiscombe Complex forms.
Ivan Abreu. Multiple.
Jim Andrews. Audio and video
Julie Andreyev . Author of Four Wheel Drift.
Kim Asendorf
Atsara. Multimedia installations.
Sofian Audry. Multimedia installations
Pascale Barret
Maurice Benayoun. Multimedia installations.
Matteo Bittanti . Video games, toys, cinema and the web.
Dineo Seshee Bopape. Multimedia plastician.
Céleste Boursier-Mougenot. Recycle zombie drones.
Manuel Bürger
Rejane Cantoni. Science and technology, virtual reality, cyberspace, semiotics
Ben Carney
Elisabeth Caravella. Note her "How To" tutorial in 2014.
Paul Chan. He "invokes religion as he speculates on the mechanisms of faith and belief".
Grégory Chatonsky. Complex multimedia.
Philippe Chaurand
Mansour Ciss. Politically engaged.
Julien Clauss. Sound and body.
Nicolas Clauss . Leonardo Da Vinci "Dream machine"
Dan Collins. Large projects.
Congaz. Olympic games opening ceremony.
Ezra Claytan Daniels. Immersive novel.
Rodericj Coover Digital and interactive cinema.
Keiko Courdy . Multimedia, immersive environments.
Critical_Art_Ensemble. Mainly web. Tactical media. ***
Sabrina Montiel-Soto and Fabrice Croizé . Calvacréation group. Multimedia about ecological issues.
Caroline Delieutraz. Web, humor.
Jean Delsaux Multimedia
Boris Dionne. Scenarist and ergonomist, mainly on the web.
Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand Audiovisual performance.
Petko Dourmana. Video installation.
Zhenin Du. Performance and video.
eRikm. Video and music.
Félicie d'Estienne_d'Orves. Image, smoke, explosion.
Jean-Paul Favand. Reconstitution of mechanical theater.
Anaksia Franco . Interactive sculpture.
Alberto Frigo. Combination of works, a sort of database
Gigacircus group : Sylvie Marchand,Lionel Camburet, Jacques Bigot, Sébastien Legros, Yorick Pierre Giner. A little of everything.
Harvey Goldman Barbanneau, Fred Adam, Complex approach.
Mark Hansen. A synthesis of web requests on a large wall of small screens.
Khaled Hafez. Several media and political engagement.
Edwin van der Heide. Spatialized sound and blow.
Kurt Hentschlager. Immersive environments.
Robin Hewlett. Collaboration of public with Google cars.
Robert Hodgin
Peter-William Holden . Installations wih music.
Jeroen Holthuis
Sam Hopkins. Conceptual art, public space issues.
Guillaume Hutzler . Interaction with meteo data.
Geraldine Juarez
Juehui Wu Multimedia. Eyebeam page. In 2010, Wu Juehui and Shao Ding founded the art group “MeatMedia”, focusing on the “Emotional Interface” in an attempt to find a balance between the“Dry media”and the“Wet media”
Kabarelectronik. Cyber trend show, with Legalize Corinne.
Scott Kildall
John Klima. Complex.
Ryoichi Kurokawa. Visual abstract installations and live performance.
Simon Laroche. Robotics and audiovisuel. Complex.
Giuseppe La_Spada. Multimedia.
Claude Le_Berre. A member of Incident Net
Suzanne Leblanc . Artist and multimedia theorist.
Inhye Lee. Video, sound, interaction Complex.
Won Lee Hee. Water cascade.
George Legrady . Immersive installation.
Lichtfront -
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. Complex, sometimes rather high level interaction.
Sati Group. Jesse Lucas and Erwan Raguenes.
Mix of media. Young audiences.
Michael Magruder. More a scientist.
Ivan Marino. Hypertextual and audiovisual discourse
Nancy Mauro-Flude. Networked media, performance.
Lauren McCarthy
John McCormick
Kyle McDonald
Rosa Menkman. Glitch
Naziha Mestaoui. Architecture, dance.
Raquel Meyers. A little of everything, including text storytelling.
Robin Moody. Mainly video.
Voker Morawe
Julie Morel. Rather textual.
Mariko Mori. PHotography and digital techniques.
Elile Morin. Sculpture and video.
Fred Murie an interactive work, done with Flavien Thery
Marnix Nijs. Installation with the spectator on a rolling carpet.
Julian Oliver
Onformative -
Johannes P Osterhoff
Olivier Otten
Eric Paulos. With John Canny. Human presence, telerobotics.
Jean Piché Videomusical.
Pleix. 3D, photomounting, electronic music.
Jane Prophet. Not so digital.
Matt Pyke. From music to many digital aspects.
Catherine Rannou . Complex, with communication from Austral site.
Tilmman Reif
Jasper Rigole
Sébastien Rémy
David Robertson
François Ronsiaux. Any media adapted to his messages.
Chris Salter. Permomative, sensory environment.
Mariano Sardon. Sensors, emerging patterns.
Scénocosme. Interaction.
Shirley Shor. Installations, interaction.
Dominique Sirois. Multimedia, installations, takes part in Capture.
Thomas Soetens and Kora Van_den_Bulcke form the group Workspace Unlimited. Large VR spaces.
Stefan Schemat
Leonardo Solaas
Stanza. Interaction all forms. Technical.
Cyril Teste. Stage designer.
Patrick Tresset. Robots drawing portraits.
Katie Turnbull. Installations, interaction.
Hiroaki Umeda. Choreographer, interpreter.
Sylvie Ungauer. Multimedia and varia.
Eric Vernhes. From film to complex systems.
Angie Walter
Daniel Warner. ?
Ai Weiwei. Architecture, installations.
Stephen Wilson . A theorist, with some experiments.
Interaction and games
Ralf Baecker. Pataphysical environment.
Bonnie Mitchel . Immersive installation.
Etienne Rey . Interactive immersion.
Mayasuki Akamatsu. "A self-generated sexual unit"...
Julien Castet. Algorithmic.
Igor Deschamps. Generative algorithmics from kinect inputs. ***?
Simon Geilfus. Generative art, in the line of Maeda.
Anne-Sarah Le-Meur. Generative, behavioral.
Claire Leroux. Generative, behavioral.
Jeffrey Ventrella. Interaction and artificial life.
Florent Aziosmanoff proposes rules for "behavioral systems"
Jérôme Baratelli . Presented in Jouable.
Isabelle Bonte. You send a message, and a cloud of works forms itself.
Mathieu Briand. Interactive installation, with Ligeti music.
Richard Brown. Interaction and biology.
Andy Cameron . Anti-ROM (1995 c.)
Alexandre Castonguay . Interaction. Varia.
Mathieu Chamagne. Combination of grahics and music
Cillari Sonia
Catherine Cochard. A game in Jouable. No longer accessible.
Eliana Corredor
Michael Cros. Les mains.
Indira-Tariana Cruz . En corps-à-corps
Magali Desbazeille with Siegfried Canto. Varia. Often derisive.
Louis Fléri with Catherine Ikam . Theater with interaction
Four-Wheel-Drift. Cars and technology in urban space.
Fléri Louis France F Interaction W **
Thierry Fournier . Installations
Hikaru Fujii. Interactive video installations.
Jurgen Graef . Interaction. A touch of code.
Emmanuelle Grangier. Interaction.
Dominic Harris . Interactive aquarium.
Raphael Isdant. Interactive installations.
Hiroo Iwata. Floating eye.
Nick Knight . Photography + interaction.
Kumiko Kushiyama. Thermal sensors.
Simon Lamunière. Theory ?
Zach Lieberman. Video and interaction.
Lozano-Hemmer Rafael Mexico W Multimedia W **
Xavier Malbreil . Poetry.
Lawrence Malstaf . Theater, interaction and random.
Misha Margolis . Choice of videos.
Jennifer McCoy . Series of videos. Interactive?
Andries Odendaal. Game.
Open-zone. Several magicians use special effects.
Daniel Palacios. Interactive installation.
Tim Pickup
Emmanuelle Quéloz. Jouable.
Kate Richards. Red iris interactive.
Damaris Risch. A portrait, reactive to presence.
Bruno Rosier. Ciel!
Teri Rueb
Adelin Schweitzer. Augmented reality.
Bill Seaman . Multimedia, recombinant poetics.
Eric Sérandour. Game of screen reading. Text.
Scénocosme France F Multimedia W **
Nicola Schauerman
Camille Scherrer
Marie Sester . Access. Sort of surveillance.
Benedict Sheehan An "artist/programmer".
Sliders_Lab. Multimedia, objects, environment.
Tamiko Thiel. Virtual and augmented reality.
Leonid Tishkov . Large installations.
Tomato . Experimental interaction.
Jacob Tonski. Installations.
Reginald Woolery USA NA W * G X
HisakoYamakawa. Multimedia and interaction.
Hiroshi Yoshioka. Jouable.
Cory Arcangel . Derisive.
Joseph Delappe. Tactical media.
Heather Kelley. Experimental games, social context. Founder of Kokoromi group. With Cindy Poremba.
Martin Le_Chevallier. Video game about surveillance.
Alison Mealey . Uses video game motors for creation.
Tetsuya Mizuguchi . Works on interfaces.
Anne-Marie Schleiner . Games political engagement.
Matthew Walker. A student project with award.

Suguru Goto: Augmented Body and Virtual Body at Utopiales 05.
Progress of sensors, used by dancers and choreographers.
A festival opens in Monaco.
Amy Alexander. Net oriented.
Nicolas Bernier. Mechanics and digital processing.
Andy Birchbaum and Mike Bonanno form the Yes Men group. Political orientation.
Yan Breuleux. Audiovisual performance.
Roland Cahen. Quite musical.
Shu-Lea Cheang . Performace but also Internet and different facets.
Cirque-du-Soleil. A multimedia fresco.
Côté_noir/côté_blanc. A series of shows, on stage and Internet.
Stéphane Degoutin . Conceptual performances.
Georges Gagneré . Real time intermedia devices.
Sylvain Garnavault
Suguru Goto. Music, performance, robotics
Cyrille Henry andDamien Henry form the chdh group. Performance with devices.
Ryoji Ikeda. Audiovisual.
Inavouable. Rather theater.
Erik Joris. He is the artistic director and key figure behind CREW, a Belgium-based performance group that develops experimental works at the interstices of live art and technology: robotics, computer sciences and theater.
Susan Kozel . Interaction with technologies.
Jean Lambert-Wild. Video and Internet.
Julien Maire. Writing performance.
Shirin Neshat
Paul Olory . Projections on stage.
Aude Rose. Theater and video.
Ashok Shukumaran. Urban performance about surveillance.
Tez. Audiovisual performance.
Tiffany Trenda. Performance with digital objects on her suits
Victoria Vesna. Vast project. **
Du Zhenjun. Performance and video.
Giorgio Barbiero Corsetti. Stage director. Works with Pierrick SorinYannick Bressan. e.Toile.
Katie Mitchell. Stage Director.
Pierre Moretti.
Shiro Takatani. Theater and multimedia
Ozeray Michel
Sanchez Rosa
Digital technologies are more and more in use, with several aspects:
- information, indications and feed-back for the performers
Gwendaline Bachini. Multimedia and interaction dance
James Buckhouse. A small program to help dancers.
Christian Delécluse and Armando Menicacci. founders of Digital Flesh. Performance (but another project, immersive environment).
William Forsythe. Choreographer.
Ilia Gilbertas. Combination with multimedia.
Myriam Gourfink. Use of computer scores and sensors.
K.Danse, founded by Jean-Marc Matos.
Klaus Obermaier. Dance with projections.
Palindrome_Inter-media_Performance P_Group. Sensors, technology. Extension of human body.
Marcel-Li-Antunez Rocca. Performing with a lot of body extensions.
Sarah Rubidge . Dialogue between performance and new media.
Scott Snibbe. Projections, interaction with the dancer.
- projection and sound, sort of augmented reality
Cie-AdrienM. Dance with projections.
Compagnie Shonen. Dance and image, light effects.
T.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e. Performance at Bains Numériques.
Maria Donata Urso. Studies of the troubles.
Robert Wechsler. Choreographer, with use of computer.
- recording and diffusion.
Florence Corin . Publisher.
Andrea Davidson. Choreographer, CD-Rom
Didier Silhol. Somnambules (2003) in cooperation with Jacques Birgé and Nicolas Clauss. Web oriented.
Avdal Heine
Shinozaki Yukiko
Jobin Gilles
Lachambre Benoçit
Passedout Maflohé
AntiVJ . A visual art label, European origins.Akamatsu.
In 2002. Eduardo Kac,with geneticist Louis Houdebine creates a luminescent rabbit, the GFP Bunny. In 2008, the transgenir flower Edunia.
We can distinguish several ways of life inspiration in art:
- mathematical models (artificial life),
inspiration of life for its forms (notably architecture, for instance); on this line, the Pastoral symhony of Beethoven as well.
Adam Brandeis. Bio art, but not directly biological. Cooking in 2012.
Sheerlann Ki Sun Burnham. Organic forms.
Catherine Nyeki. A sort of bio-art.
Lorenzo Oggiano. Bio art, with 3D generated images.
Ruth West. Rather theoretical.
Adam Zaretsky. Theory plus experiments.
- and direct, physical, manipulating of biological objects, includint the artist's own body (Stelarc a pioneer here)
Dmitri Bulatov . Writer, theorist.
Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr T>he tissue and art project.
Aunna Dumitriu. Bio-art, mainly on fabrics. Strong research connections. Ethical issues.
Antony Hall. Not very digital, it seems.
Daro Montag. Bio art, use of living matter (plants, insects).
Theresa Schubert. Bio art, complex contraptions.
Guy Ben-Ary . Complex works, simulation of neurons, etc.
Aleandra Daisy-Ginsberg . Synthetic biology.
Shiho Fukuhara Bio-Art
Kirsten Hudson Bio-Art. Works with Guy Ben-Ary.
Chris Sugrue
Georg Tremmel Bio-Art
Sander Veenhof Bio-Art
Bernard Venet. radiographies.
Andrej Bauer. Random coding with CAM.
Sawad Brooks. Coding.
Simon Colton . Tool for painting, The painting fool. Comparable to Roxame.
Benjamin Fry and Casey Reas : Processing.
Philip Galanter. Generative art theorist.
Richard Gatarsky . Theorist.
Lauri Gröhn . Musical software for composition.
Andreas Lund. Theorist.
Penousal Machado. Tools for artists. Including genetic algorithms.
Lev Manovich. Theorist.
Shira Miasnik. Music and art instruments.
Don Relyea. Tools, video and media convergence.
Karsten Schmidt . Programming environments for graphics.
Van-Hemert. Automatic painting, Mondrian style.
Peter Vogel . Sound artist, input from sculptures.
Michael Witbrock . Artist and scientist.
Erik Adigard. Multimedia.
Future Farmers. Group formed by Dan Allende , Ian Cox. (xplorer, problem solver), Amy Franceschini (a pollinator for artists), Sascha Merg, Josh On, Stin Schiffeleers and Michael Swaine.
Damali Ayo . Web and commerce.
Christorpher Baker. Web installation.
Lew Baldwin . A website reinterpreted.
Aurélien Bambagioni. Video, tablets and connections on the web.
Perry Bard. Showing the Web. Worked with Christiane Paul.
RYbN. Group founded2000 by Kevin Bartoli, Jean-Marie Boyer and Bertrand Charles. About stock exchange and activities on the net.
Barney Beech. Website creation.
Giselle Beiguelman. A poet, on the border of text and graphics.
Ubermorgen. Group founded in 1999 by Hans Bernhard, Lizvlx, Alessandro Ludovico and Paolo Cirio.
Stéphanie Boisset . Her website.
Marie-Julie Bourgeois. Animation from webcams.
Jonah Brucker-Cohen. A special browser.
Christophe Bruno . Real display of images on the web.
Bureau_d'Etudes. Political. Maps of power.
Stefano Cagol. Diary project on web.
Claude Closky. Websites as part of the work.
Ferdinant Corte . A fictional enterprise.
Nick Crowe. Discrete packets, on the net.
Michael Daines. Applications on his website.
Andy Deck. Multimedia and social.
Marika Dermineur . House construcion with Google.
Hasan Elah . His position with GPS at any time.
Andrew Fagg . Sensors network and net art.
Harelle Fletcher and Miranda July. Distribution of zany instructions on the web.
John Freyer . All my life for sale.
Martha-Carrer Gabriel . Voice mosaic.
Alex Galloway. Rhizome, communication and social relationship.
Joy Garnett . Website about Hiroshima.
Yuri Gitman . A city becomes a game court.
Ferenc Grof . Political design, experimental economy.
Joan Heemskerk. Social subversion on the web.
Steve Heimbecker . Presentation of meteorological data.
Eleonore Hellio. Alternative place.
Peter Horvath. Cinema on Internet.
Cécile Huet. Theater exclusively on Internet.
Luiza Jakobsen . Animation using webcams.
KRN . Karen Dermineur. Cooperates in Incident Group.
Melindo Klayman. Sort of games
Clover Leary. About spermbanks and homosexual people.
Xavier Leton. Series of images, moves.
Paula Levine. Visual, locative media.
Marie-Johnson Lia . Graphics, iPhone app.
Olia Lialina. Web art.
Yi Yong Charles Lim. Walks on borderlines.
Victor Liu . Software to show what there is between images.
Sebastian Luetgart. Roaming producers.
Eva Mattes and Franco Mattes on Seconde life.
Mbarkho Ricardo. Identity issues. Net ?
Youcef Merhi. About Hugo Chavez messages.
Albertine Meunier. Works about Google, Facebook.
Adrian Miles. About Vogs.
Ali Momeni. Network installation, cooperation with a sculptor.
Patrick Morelli . A poetry daily page on Internet.
Mouchette. An avatar on the web.
Jean-Baptiste Naudy. Experimental economy. Group Société Réaliste, with Ferenc Grof.
Karen O'Rourke . Web application.
Keih Obadike. Work on identity, reification.
Ascott Pagano. Ephemeral structures.
Jonah Peretti and Chelsea Peretti. A contagious media.
Mark River. A mix of cuts from songs.
Guido Segni. Conscientization.
Wolfgang Staehle . Projections from webcams.
Nicole Stenger. Relational and critical.
ReinerStrasser. Web work.
Alex Tew. Combination of ad spaces.
Thomson-&-Craighead. Web
Woon Tien_Wei . With GPS.
Eugenio Tisselli. Online, textual.
Mark Tribe. Art critic.
Suzette Venturelli. Body contact with internauts.
Michael Weinkove. Collective, itinerant.
Tim Whidden. Mix of cuts from songs.
Adrianne Wortzel. Robots an net.
Carlo Zanni. My country is a living room.
Jody Zellen . Talking walls.
Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga. Colored icons.
Opie Julian
Gervais Emilie
Cortright Petra
Fornieles Ed
Roth Evan
Schieben Michael
Wilkonson Jamie

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.

Les Algoristes, an association of artists using their own algorithms in their work.