
Showcase, a "mise en abyme" in Paris streets, by Serge Bouvet.
Last revised 9/4/2014. Return to Major concepts.
Recursion is a central concept of the digital paradigm. It is rarely used by artists. Sometimes with its optical facet of "mise en abîme", like the Pairisian Showcases of Serge Bouvet.
More digitally, N + 1, by Stéphane Trois-Carrés, operates on successive video shots.
As for painting, Harold Cohen introduces it in his 1979 paper What is an image? where he tries to develop a sort of measurement (number and complexity of the loops). That raises the issue of the "internal" representation of a work by the software which paints this work. Unfortunately, in spite of many precisions, we feel that Cohen doesn't reach the bottom of this logic.
Recursion is also a fundamental concept of computing, as developed for instance in A recursive introduction to the theory of computation, by Carl Smith (Springer Verlag 1994). It is also fundamental in automata theory, with the basic function E = f(I, E), saying that the state at any step is a function of the state at the precedent step and of the inputs. See our notice about automata.
More generally, recursion is a feature of language (reflexive verbs, see Wikipedia).
The "mise en abyme" (see Wikipedia]) is an optical form of recursion. See, among many, comments in Photography en abyme, by Craig Owens [Owens 1992].
> Recursive drawing (2011), by Tony Schachman. Is it art, fun, or a seminal opening?
L'écran dans l'écran, et autres rectangles scopiques,
by Bernard Leconte. L'Harmattan 2004.
La télévision dans le miroir. Théorie, histoire et
analyse des émissions réflexives. by Virgine Spies. L'Harmattan
Varia to be edited
Dans un systme fini (IE0),
- la récursion s'arre^te d'elle même s E grandit à chaque cycle (stack)
- elle se continue indfinimeng si E ne grandit pas, avec deux cas de figure
. E ne change pas (ex. filtre sans mémoire)=
. la récursion tourne dans un nombre fini d'états, en général un sous-ensemble des états possible. Le max de Galanter correspondrait au maximum d'états ?
La finitude peut être
- objectie, mémoire du S; E
- subjective, capacigté de différenciation

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.