Loss: combining sound, image and bodies

Loss, performance, here Yum Keiko Takayama.
The presentation of Loss by the A.lter S.essio group gives us an expressive example of combination on stage of lights, music and bodies. See by yourself on a Vimeo trailer. You cannot call that entertainment, so hard is the five minutes show, all in black and white in a dark environment, its repetitive music combined with a systematic use of a stroboscopic projection of abstract images. It's more an engagement. Bare bodies fight hopelessly for freedom... It could be compared to Core, by Kurt Henstlager (See our comments (sorry, in French)), without the erotist images of the latter.
The show will be presented in Pessac (Gironde, France) on Jan. 30. Give a look to the program.
A.lter S.essio is managed by Fabrice Planquette and Yum Keiko Takayama (choreographer). Their projects are supported by Scène Nationale of Amiens, DRAC Picardie, Conseil Régional de Picardie and Amiens Métropole.
Other videos: Loss-Layer (45min), Loss, solo-duo 25 min, : Endurance (50 min), Ascension (lab) (5-30 min)., Extension (35 min, video work in progress).