Islamic Digital arta, from Multyshadeswebsite.
Digital Creation in Middle-East Africa
Art of Islamic countries are evidently marked by the interdiction of human bodies, and even more of God representation. But since digital art is at present nearly absent of these countries, we cannot perceive its effects... if not precisely the difficulty of any avant-garde art.
- Islamic automation : a reading of Al-Jazari's The book of knowledge of Ingenious mechanical devices (1206). by Gunalan Nadarajan. 16 pages in [Grau].
The Arab spring has not yet had time enough to give an expression here. But L'art syrien résiste en ligne.
By contrast, Israel is comparatively productive. But not as much as it could seem (see for instance, below, the Digital Art Lab of Holon).
About Africa, a special issue of MCD June-August 2013, signed by Karen Dermineur. Our comment. It insists on the specificity of African digital art (notably, collective). About cell-phones, for instance "What we see is not the development of a new system but the expansion or growth of a powerful socio-cultural system which pre-exists and is inherent to the working of the African society".
In the field of ethnomusicology, Fred Voisin developed studies of Central African musical scales using Yamaha DX7 synthesizers.
About cinema in Africa : De l'analogique au numérique. Cinémas et spectateurs d'Afrique subsaharienne", by Delphe Kifouani, L'Harmattan, Paris 2016.
Dubai (Dubai Emirate)
- Fun City. Sound experiments and augmented reality.

Pinuy Binuy, Confeence at Holon
The country is open to digital art. The notes below would need a more thorough investigation.
Index of Israeli artists presented in diccan (six in October 2016).
Bethlehem. Fun for Christmas.
Holon. Digital Art Lab. The Israeli center for digital art. Seems practicing video only (on 7/2013). Active at the beginning of 2017, see the website.
The institution organized a conference (Pinuy Binuy) in January 2017. But not so much digital it seems, if we read the program.
Jerusalem. Sound and light on the David's tower (medieval city). Technical details, see Projection.

Yaacov Agam: Fountain in Tel-Aviv
- Israeli Center for Digital Art and Holon's digital art lab (see above)
- Galerie Charlot-Tel Aviv, Yafo. A gallery, opening on May 25, 2017.
Art museum Conference by Preston Scott Cohen. Notably a superb bannister. -
- Contemporary art museum at Hrzliya.
- Agams' fountain.
Bamako (Mali). Pixelini festival.
Cairo (Egypt)
- Di-Egy Fest. Digital art festival, 2013, led by Elham Khattab and Haytham Nawar. One page in in [Dermineur].
- See Insight.
- Medrar, contemporary art center, with some digital activities.
Dakar (Senegal)
Afropixel festival.
- A Pure Data worshop was held in Dakar in 2011, led by Cyrille Henry.
- Metissacana art center.
- Dak'Art_Lab. and the biennal Dak'Art (one page in [Dermineur]).
- Kër Thiossane. A villa for art and multimedia.
Lagos (Nigeria)
- Video Art Network.
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
- Fablab Burkina and Vision Afric, pushed by Gildas Guiella.
One page in [Dermineur].
Rabat (Maroc)
- L'appartement 22. A center for arts.
Tunis (Tunisia): "In Tunisia, digital tools use took off in 2088 approimately" (says in [Dermineur], p. 49)
- E-Fest. Discovery and training of digital creation, led by Afif Riahi. One page in [Dermineur].It took place in 2012. Will it last in 2013...
Index of Tunisian artist presented in diccan.
Festival Fest (Festival échos sonores of Tunis)
Wits (South Africa)
- In 2000, MTN Digital/Electronics Art Exhibition), see [Dermineur].
Yaounde (Cameroon)
- Ravy, Visual arts meeeting.
One page with images in [Dermineur].

Melbourne: Australian center of virtual art.