Last revised 9/6/2014. Return to Major concepts.
The meaning of the word varies acconding to the kind of art, see Wikipedia.
In cinema, the producer gets the finance and controls the expenses. In music, read The producer as a composer. Shaping the sounds of popular music. par Virgil Moorefield. (MIT Press 2005), which studies the changing role of the producer, and includes a story of pop music and the influence of technology. In plastic arts (painting, sculpture), the term is not used. But galleries (and agents) play more and more the role of producers, notably by guiding the artists in their access to the market. For instance by offering prints from their video or computer wors, since prints are more easy to sell and fit more easily in the "art" environment.
For painting, the artist is generally his own producer. But, since digital media demand technical competence, the artist becomes frequently a team leader, and sometimes more a producer than a author properly. Amon some Frenche artists playing an important such past, let's quote Maurice Benayon, Miguel Chevalier or Fred Forest. From other countries, Matt Pyke is quite typical.
For transmedia, see the ad hoc parts in our trasmedia notice.
The third stage of making a film, after preproduction and filming (the production proper). See production . Wikipedia
- The term is mainly used in large organizations where production and post-production require structured management and ad hoc software tools. Recently, it gets a new meaning with portable devices added to cameras.
- Progress in productivity and efficiency call dematerialization of the assets, taking to fully digital interconnecte systems, and closin the era or chemical film processing, distribution and storage.
- A French magazine, so titled, has published its first issue in October 2012. No website. It aims to the amateur photographer. Motto (our translation) : "Anybody who practices photography knows it now : shooting is today a very small part of the time you spend on images".

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.