Design and other objects

Design, 3D printing and machining. Design by Antwerp design studio. An image from
Last revised 9/11/2014. Return to Major concepts. See materialization, image, graphics, printing.
- Object space [Ebert].
All the digitally oriented designers we know of are listed in our Index, with direct link on their Diccan's item. On summer 2014, we list some 30 artists, to which could be added the works of sculptors , for which graphic aspects are generally and important facet.
We concentrate here on conceptual considerations and the state of the art. The historical development of the field is described, period after period, in our history of digital art
- Internet of the objects. Wikipedia. MCD has published a special issue on the beginning of 2011. - - See Neo-object.
Design, we could say, is sculpture with functionalities.
- See [Hollis], [Berger-Lioret] p. 79, 182.
- Wif. Festival international du design interactif. In 2012, in Limoges (France). Website.
- Design Vs. Art. The difference is dealt with at length in the thesis of Nick Lambert, Computer art.
- Design considerations in interaction design see [Janet Murray].
- Graphic arts. See the website of Ecole
Estienne .
< Design Science at the Intersection of Physical and Virtual Design by Jan Brocke, Riitta Hekkala, Sudha Ram, Matti Rossi. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 7939. Springer 2013.
web. Presentation.
< L'Internet des objets, by Philippe Gautier and Laurent Gonzalez. Editions de l'Afnor 2011. Page
< RFID et l'internet des choses. Edited by H. Chabanne, P. Urien and J.-F. Susini. Hermès Lavoisier 2010.
< Design génératif. Concevoir, programmer, visualiser. by Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Gross, Julia Laub and Claudius Lazzeroni. Paris, Pyramid 2010 .
< Design graphique. Cours et ateliers. Manuel pour étudiants et jeunes graphistes. by David Dabner. Eyrolles 2011.
< Device art : a new approach in understanding japanese contemporary media art. by Machiko Kusahara : 29 pages in [Grau].
< Digital lab, le design éditorial. Processus techniques et créatifs
de douze projets internationaux, by Y. Zappatera. Editions Pyramid 2004.
< Le cahier de Gobelins. L'école de l'image. By a group of authors (Gobelins school students) Eyrolles 2004.
Object oriented programming
See also:
- Programming [Foley], [Gonzalez],[Java] [Processing]. In interaction design see [Janet Murray].