Last revised 9/1/2014. Return to Major
concepts. See performance arts for
indexes and statistics. See also puppets, text.
- Our posts and references.

The theatre game "guignol numérique" by Industry Wizarbox (no longer on their site).
All the artists we know of on this specialty are listed in our Index, with direct link on their Diccan's item. On summer 2014, we list some 20 artists.
We concentrate here on conceptual considerations and the state of the art. The historical development of the field is described, period after period, in our history of digital art.
Computers are more and more used to stage and lighting management. And of course for set reservations and tickets editing. In the 1970's, Early experiences of interactive theater by Kayat and Perec, see our lines in history. In the 21th century, they become quite frequent, more as "special effects" than as a properly digital form of art.
Some references
- A general website about theater: Fluctuat. Digital theater: Wikipedia.
< Les nouveaux visages de l'humanité sur les scènes d'opéra contemporaines, by Isabelle Moindrot, in [Moindrot 2013].
< L'envers du décor, edited by Catherine Join-Dieterle. Co-publishing by Gourcuff-Gradenigo/CNCS, 2012. About machines in theater.
< University Professors combine 'robotics with theater'. An article in Red and Black, (10/25/2011), a students journal, presents some uses or robots in theater techniques education.
< Connecting Theater and Virtual Reality with Cognitive Sciences, by Pierre De Loor, Charlie Windeschmidt, Karen Martinaud and Vincent Cabioch. Communication at Laval Virtual 2010. Online.
< Anthropocentrism and the staging of robots by Louis-Philippe Demers and Jana Horakova , about robots in theater, in [Adams, 2008 ].
< Théâtre et nouvelles technologies. edited by Lucile Garbagnati et Pierre Morelli (eds.). Editions universitaires de Dijon 2006.
< Robert Lepage , by Ludovic Fouquet. (Québec, Editions Les 400 coups, 2005). A full book about Lepage.
< Loving Big Brother. Performance, privacy an d surveillance space. by John E. MacGrath. Routledge 2004. A reflection about the fact that we love to be known by computers. A theatrical inspiration.
< Les écrans sur la scène. by Béatrice Picon-Vallin, ed. Lausanne L'âge d'homme, 1998.
< Computers as Theater, by Brenda Laurel Addison-Wesley, 1993.