Performance arts

Performance a its purest top : Live coding in Nantes (La Fabrique), using PureData.
Return to Major concepts. See
theater, dance, circus,
magic and VJ.
Last revised: Feb. 14, 2018.
- Our posts and references.
All the artists we know of on this specialty are listed in our Index, with direct link on their Diccan's item. On summer 2014, we list some 60 artists, to which should be added artists in theater (20), dance (40) and VJ (3). Music is both a performance art and a record art.
We concentrate here on conceptual considerations and the state of the art. The historical development of the field is described, period after period, in our history of digital art.
[Dixon]: "We define the term "digital performance" broadly, to include all performance works where computer technologies play a key role rather than a subsidiary one in content, techniques, aesthetics or delivery forms".
(Live) performance arts exist only through the performance of one or several performers. Digitization occurs mainly in registering and distributing phases. But it is infiltrating the whole process, from its design to its materials and hardware. And any performance can now be recorded, image and sound, possibly 3D.
- TMN Lab . Théâtre et médiation numérique. A research group. Led by Anne Le Gall.
- Networked performance, see Turbulence
< Literary Art in Digital Performance. Case Studies in New Media Art
and Criticism, edited by Francisco J. Ricardo. Continuum, New-York, 2009.
< Corps numériques en scène. Bains numériques
et Réseau Arts Numériques. CDA Enghien-les-Bains, 2008.
Arts de la scène et technologies numériques : les digital performances.
by Clarisse Bardiot. Online at Olats (in French).
< Le réel à l'épreuve des technologies. Les arts
de la scène et les arts médiatiques. by Josette Feral and
Edwige Perrot (eds?). Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013.
< Digital Performance: a history of new media in theater, dance, performance
art and installation. by Steve Dixon and Barry Smith. MIT Press 2007.
< Performance Art from Futurism to the Present, by Roselee Goldberg.
Thames & Hudson, 1998, 2001, 2011. French translation : La performance,
du futurisme à nos jours. Thames & Hudson 2012
< Computer-assisted content editing techniques for live multimedia
performance. 13 pages in [Adams] by Stefan
Muller Arisona, Pascal Muller, Simon Schubiger-Banz and Matthias Specht.
< Performances, l'art en action. by Rose Lee Goldberg. Paris,
Thames et Hudson, 1999.
- (Music) "Performance is not likely to disappear any time soon, as it
fulfills a basic human need" ([Moorefield]
2. Performance of a device Dealt at length by [Ebert], about textures.