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Return to Major concepts. A kind of performance.

A short presentation about magic (2014).
- New magic . This term groups new forms of performance, extending notably circus and conjuring.

Some tracks :

- The New Magic reference from Oxford University Press is very far from digital issues.
- At Circus, Compagnie-14-20.
- Theater : Saga, cirqueet magie nouvelle. Cie La Torngnole.
- Data in Strada.History and techniques (in French)
- Magic book. A tool presented at Siggraph 2000 by Billinghurst, Kato and Poupyrev. The text is online (PDF).
- Magic wand . A function in [Photoshop].
- Digital Magic. A firm producing special effects.
- The magic of language. Abracadabra.
- The magic of programming. The basic :"10 PRINT "GOOD MORNING"; "20 GOTO 10".
- Musée des arts forains in Paris
- Méliès and magic in cinema.