
Genealogy of sound art, according to Götz Naleppa (imagefrom his Sound composition webpage).
Last revised 9/4/2014. Return to Major concepts. The basis of music, a major component of multimedia. See acoustics, instruments.
- About pop-music : "The concept of a sound in the sens of stylistic choice, and the ability to capture and mold it, have grown in importance as recording technology has become increasingly comples" ([Moorefield] p. XIII).
- The first synthesizers used physical electronic devices to produce sounds. They are now more and more integrated into software. See for instance the book of Daniel Ichbiah about Sonar Cakewalk (Campus Press 2002).
- Sound design Wikipedia.
- Sound art. A survey by Dominique Moulon.
- A special issue about Sound art in Artpress2 (Nov.-Dec.-Jan. 2010).
- Special issue L'art des sons in Artpress2 (Nov.-Dec.-Jan. 2010). Nothing convincing from a digital standpoint.
< Designing sound, by Andy Farnell. MIT Press 2010. "Understanding and create sound effects starting from nothing".
< Evolutionary computation applied to sound synthesis. by James McDermott, Niall Griffith and Michael O'Neill. Communication in The Art of Artificial Evolution. by Juan Romero and Penousal Machado (eds). Springer 2008
< Sound unbound. Sampling digital music and culture. edited by Paul Miller (aka DJ Spooky that subliminal kid). MIT Press 2008.
- Sound engineer.
. Sonomag Nov. 2010. Alain Francis and Jacques Rouveyrollis explain the sound reinforcement in Stade de France for Aida, using Soundvision softawre to study the distribution of sound in the stage space.
. Sonomag July2007. Hamid Malki, sound engineer, explains the problems posed by the voice of Yannick Noah, hence the necessity of a double banana, of which one in dV just for Yannick".
< Analyse et traitement des signaux - Méthodes et applications au
son et à l'image. by Etienne Tisserand, Jean-François Pautex
et Patrick Schweitzer. Dunod 2004.

Interfacing with sound at Ircam.
- Bionics for ears AH No 137 (concepts).
- Interview of Sylvain Marchand AH No 60.
< Cubase (versions VST 5.1 à SX), by Thierry Demougin and Eric Chautrand.(Campus
Press2002), 726 pages and a CD-Rom.
< Sonar Cakewalk, by Daniel Ichbiah (Campus Press 2002).
< Le son sur le Web by Belá Loto (Dunod 2002).
< Les synthétiseurs. De la découverte à la maîtrise.
by D. Ichbiah. Eyrolles 2000.
Sound and light. A kind of show born in the 1950's. In 2011, we say more often "monumental projection". See projection (an example in 2011).

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.