Web art, net art

Transgression web art may result in interdiction, like this answer of Youtube for a work by Cortright
Last revised 9/2/2014. Return to Major concepts. See transmedia, interaction.
All the artists we know of on this specialty are listed in our Index, with direct link on their Diccan's item. On summer 2014, we list some 180 artists.
We concentrate here on conceptual considerations and the state of the art. The historical development of the field is described, period after period, in our history of digital art.
See a solid paper on this topic by Luc Dall'Armellina and Annick Lantenois and several pages with pictures in [Dreher], notably a chapter on collaborative writing, for instance "The World's First Collaborative Sentence", by Douglas Davis.
- There are several ways to do art on the web:
. the basic one is to design websites, HTML pages for themselves. For a lot of examples, of course more "design" than "art": Catalog + Web graphics. P.I.E. Books 2000.
. the deep one is to play with the webstructures, be it for collaborative or for more subversive aims (tactical media).
Besides, the Web is a subject for art along two ways: a global view "from "outside" and an experience as a user, individual or collective, "from inside".
Net art begun before the public access to Internet. Fred Forest was one of the first to use it. See wikipedia and is still creative in 2014.
Some terminology
- Webfiction, websérie. Site for series on air. Addicts, on Arte (in 2010).
- Web GL. 3D for web browsers. Wikipedia
- Webisode. It is "a series with video content produced exclusively for the internet audience and released in serialized short-form" ( [Bernardo] ).
- Web soap. On line narration.
- Web portal. Wikipedia.
Some references
- See the works of Geneviève Vidal.
< An example of crude (code and content) pure HTML website : Motherf... Crude but efficient, after all !
<Inventing the medium. Principles of Interaction Design
as a Cultural Practice. by Janet Murray. MIT Press 2012.
< Le netart au musée - Stratégies de conservation
des œuvres en ligne. by Anne Laforet. Editions Questions Théoriques,
- A top 50 of artist websites, in Beaux Arts Magazine, Feb. 2011.
< Qu'est-ce
que l'Internet, by the philosopher Paul Mathias, 2009
< Internet et écriture,
online thesis of Eric Guichard (2003, reworked on 2009).
< Netzkunst. ihre systematizierung und auslegung anhand von einzelbeispielen.
by Matthias Weiss. VDG 2009.
< Network
Culture and the Poetics of Reality, (2009). A very long text by Matthew
< Press On, Principles of Interaction Programming. by Harold Thimbelby.
MIT Press 2007.
< L'écriture des documents numériques : vers une cyber-rhétorique.
report (2007) by Stéphane Caro. About a right design of website,
see notably (there is a lot of literature, anyway).
< L'art Internet. by Rachel Greene. Thames & Hudson 2005.
< L'outre-lecture. Manipuler, (s') approprier, interpréter le
web. by Frank Ghitalla et al. Published by Centre Pompidou. SH No
05 (2004, concepts) and SH No 06
(2004 concepts).
< Internet Art. The Online Clash of Culture and Commerce, by Julian
Stallabrass. Tate, London, 2003.
- Semantic Web or meaningful Internet AH No 93
(2002. concepts).
- The web, more engaged than fiction AH No 83
(2002. concepts).
< La couleur pour les sites web, by M. Holzchlag. Pyramyd 2002.
< Groupes mouvements tendances de l'art contemporain depuis 1945,
by Mathilde Ferrer. Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 1st edition
1989. New edition 2001.
- Some personal websites AH No 49 (2001)
- Semantic web AH No 46 (concepts), AH
No 34 (2001. concepts). See: semantics.