
Media art. Here a work by Fred Forest, Flux et reflux, la caverne d'Internet.
Last revised 9/1/2014. Return to Major concepts. See transmedia.. )
Work in progress
This term tends to replace Art, in the digital domain: New media, Tactical media. Deep media (see Frank Rose (The Art of Immersion, Norton &Co 2011)) insists on actual engagment of the public.
- The term media has (notably) two very different uses, as notes [Quaranta] (pp. 29 sq):
. the kind of material or material process used by an artist (with reference to Greenberg),
. a mode of communication, mostly "mass communication" (with reference to McLuhan).
Then, writes Quaranta : "The term corresponds to an indistinct cloud of meanings that turn every debate on its true nature into a comic parody of itself".
- And interaction design see [Janet Murray].
< Art contemporain nouveaux médias. by Dominique Moulon. Nouvelles éditions Scala, 2011.
< Active Media Technology by Ning Zhong, Vic Callaghan, Ali A. Ghorbani, Bin Hu. LNCS (Lecture notes on computer sciences) Volume 6890. Springer, c. 2010.
< Transliteracy and new media, by Sue Thomas 9 pages in [Adams].
< Making studies in new media critical. by Timothy Lenoir. 26 pages in [Grau].
< There are no visual media. by W.J.T.Mitchell. 12 pages in [Grau].
< L'écriture des médias informatisés, espaces de pratiques. by Cécile Tardy and Yves Jeanneret (Hermès-Lavoisier 2007). Rather abstract, but based on some concret cases.
< Constituents of a Theory of the Media. by Hans Magnus Enzenberger, 1970-1974. Reprinted in [Wardrip-Fruin 2003].
< Requiem for the Media, by Jean Baudrillard (1972 and later), reprinted with comments in [Wardrip-Fruin 2003].
< Undersanding media, by Marshall Mc. Luhan cGraw Hill 1964.
- More (philosophy) in French.
In 2011, a special issue of MCD, signed by Catherine Lenoble, (March-April-May) takes Media Lab as a common noun and draws a cartography of it. See our geography.