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L'art Génératif. Complements to the book text

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2.10. Circus

Some other notes in diccan.

2.10.1. Generativity through risk

The specific generativity of circuls stemps from the risks taken by performers, engaging their own body. From this standpoint, Stelarc experiences can be seen as a kind of "circuls".

2.10.2 Mark Pauline : the grand circus

Survival Research Laboratory

2.10.3 Hashiya Kazuhiko: trouble the perception

Hashiya Kazuhiko

2.10.4. Du  Zhenjun

Du Zhenjun

2.10.5 amcb  (ex. Cie-AdrienM  ) : juggling


2.10.6 Marcel-LiRocca

Marcel-Li Antunez Rocca