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L'art Génératif, Index

The terms, with their links on and the book pages.

by Pierre Berger and Alain Lioret


3D relief, 182
3ds Max, 171
Aaron, 65, 66, 122, 190
abstraction, 64
Acevedo, 40
ActionScript, 170, 187
Adami, 176
ADN, 142
AdrienM, 98
After Effects, 167
Agam, 79
Aikon, 178
AL, 181
Alary, 61
Alberti, 20
Alchemy, 170, 187
algoristes, 38, 63, 144
algorithmes, 144
amcb, 98
Anderson Darrell, 173
Andres, 144
Andrews, 162, 181
Andreyev, 111
animation, 180
Aniomagid, 159
Annunziato, 65
Anyflo, 177
Apophysis, 174
Arcangel, 103
architecture, 79, 182, 183
Architecture, 26
Arduino, 158
Argenia, 176
Art orienté objet, 108
ArtMatic, 178
ArtMatic-Voyager, 178
Asimov, 118
attracteurs étranges, 151
Avida, 176
Aziosmanoff, 61, 92, 99, 148, 154, 186
Aziozmanoff, 138
Baboni Schillingi, 61
Bach, 21
Bacon, 18
Balpe, 48, 49, 50, 61, 63
Barbaud, 58, 64, 140
Barbosa, 162
Barjavel, 113
Bauer, 66
Bec, 102
Bédard, 61
Benayoun, 50, 99
Benjamin, 19, 63
Bense, 34, 64
Bentley, 82
Berger, 5, 57, 68, 105, 112, 134, 178, 189, 219
Bergson, 26, 127
Berriet, 176
Beyls, 64
Bighetti, 121
binaire, 33
biologie, 33
bio-tech, 107
biotope, 148
Björk, 56
Blackburn, 25
Blanc, 23
Blender, 171
Blot, 56
Boccioni, 30
Boden, 131
Bootz, 47, 52, 161
Boyer, 153
Brand, 106
breeders, 148
Bret, 70, 76, 132, 190
Bryce, 178
Burroughs, 34
Burton, 156
Cage, 35, 58
calligraphie, 53
Cambiaire, 64
capteurs, 153
Capture, 61
cartes de contrôle, 158
Castellin, 53
Cavalheiro, 162
Chabot, 95
chaos, 151
Chapman, 49
Chatonsky, 61
Chevreul, 26
chimie, 22
Cho, 78
Chomsky, 48
Chopin, 24
Christensen, 172
Chuck, 185
Cinder, 168
cinéma, 25
Cinéma, 69, 180
Cinema 4D, 171
Cinema Beings, 181
cinétique, 22
Clair-Obscur, 95
Co, 78
Cohen, 38, 65, 66, 122, 190
Colton, 68, 176, 219
complexité, 134
compositing, 26
connecvolution, 70
connexionisme, 132
construction, 183
Context Free Art, 172
Cousin, 56
Cox, 122
Coyne, 172
Cristofol, 100, 127
critères, 139
Csuri, 65, 66
D’Aresso, 17
Dada, 49, 101
Dance Forms, 186
Danse, 186
Dante, 16
Darwinci, 177
Davis, 175
Dawkins, 141, 177
dbCinema, 181
De Celle, 68
Deep Blue, 48
Degoutin, 105
Dehlinger, 65
Delacroix, 25
Deleuze, 26
Demeyer, 72
Descartes, 20
design, 79, 182
designer baby, 142
Dessalles, 135
dessin, 62
Dessin, 165
Diaz-Pino, 36
Diccan, 13, 47, 119
dimensions, 43
Director, 170
Disney, 35, 62, 106
Doodle Garden, 175
Dr Mutatis, 175 (by Musgrave)
Draves, 72, 78, 174
Dreamweaver, 187
Driessens, 72, 221
Du Zhenjun, 98
Duchamp, 101
Ducrocq, 34, 47
Dürer, 19, 20
Ebert, 152
échantillonné, 149
écriture, 15, 18, 23
Edwards, 60
Eldridge, 60
électricité, 22
électro.nique, 27
élevage, 108 (breeding)
Emonic, 186
Engélibert, 118
Eno, 59
Escarpit, 48
espace génératif, 146
espaces génératifs, 43
e-toile, 104
Evolvo, 175
Evolvotron, 175
Faure, 53
Field, 170
Fishinger, 62
Flake, 151, 152
Flash, 170, 187
Flaubert, 47
Forest, 104
forme, 172
Fractal Explorer, 174
Fractales, 151
Fractint, 174
Fry, 76
Gaffney, 175
Gainer, 159
GAIV, 38
Galanter, 71, 121, 136, 220
Galapagos, 173
Galatema, 181
Galgraith, 78 (actually, Galbraith)
Gallis, 100
Galloway, 103
Gaudi, 83
Gaudin, 113
générateur, 172
générateurs, 149
GesamtKunstWerk, 45, 87
Gibson, 112
Gimp, 167
Gips, 66, 135
Giscard d'Estaing, 38
Gogins, 60
Goldberg, 112
Google, 139
Gorlero, 35
Gourfink, 90, 186
Grasshopper, 173
Grav, 36
Grèce, 15
Griffiths, 72, 185
Gris, 30
Groboto, 173
Gröhn, 60
Gutenberg, 19
Handiart, 228
handicapés, 117
Haraway, 143
Harmonographe, 25
Hart, 66
Hébert, 65, 144
Henry, 35
Hiller, 58, 140
Hina, 84
home studio, 163
Houdini, 171
IBM, 35, 133
Ihmels, 122
ImageSpace, 175
Imogenes, 175
Impromptu, 185
Inavouable, 95
Incendia, 175
intelligence, 131
interaction, 186
Interface Z, 159
Ircam, 38, 165
Isozaki, 83
Jacskon, 56
jardinage, 108, 112
jeu, 101, 187
JH Labs, 175
Johnston, 143
jugement, 133
K.Danse, 91
K3DSurf, 173
Kac, 108, 112
Kalaam, 53
Kandid, 175
Kandinsky, 67
Kant, 133
Kaufmann, 132
Kawaguchi, 80
Kayat, 36
Kazuhiko, 97
Kinect, 116
Kircher, 21
Klee, 31
Klein, 105
Knuth, 53
Kyburz, 60
La Défense, 86
Lacan, 20
Lachaise, 81
Lambert-Wild, 95
Langlade, 92
Langton, 135
Larguier des Bancels, 135
Latham, 141, 177
Le Corbusier, 79, 83
Le Meur, 76
Lego Mindstorm, 158
Legrady, 156
Lenfant, 86
Levin, 60, 156
Leymarie, 68, 141, 178, 219
Life as it could be, 177
Life Forms, 186
Ligeti, 56
Lindenmayer, 151
Lioret, 5, 77, 118, 181
Lisberger, 88
Logiciels, 155
Lovell, 78
Lozano-Hemmer, 138
L-Systems, 78
Lumière, 69
Lussan, 54
Macentyre, 35
Machado, 134, 177
machine, 18
Maeda, 66, 177, 190
Maire, 53
Malevitch, 30
Mandelbrot, 36, 151, 174, 175
MandelBulber, 175
Manovich, 74, 181, 222
Mantis, 173
Margolis, 81
Margulis, 68
Martenot, 28
matériels, 157
Mathématiques, 33
Maubrey, 92
Max, 165
MaxScript, 171
Maya, 171
mbet, 159
McCorduck, 65
Mealey, 102
mécanique, 20
Meccanographe, 159
Méliès, 69
MetaSynth, 178
Mexica, 51
micro-informatique, 37
micro-processeur, 39
Mignonneau, 71
militaire, 110
Mimio, 159
Minitel, 40
Mitchell, 78
mocap, 155
modernisme, 35
Mohr, 64
Mojoworld, 175
Molnar, 64
monades, 46
Monmarché, 68
Moore, 39, 115
Morellet, 35
Mounier-Kuhn, 33
Mount, 66
Moura, 80, 134, 140
Moyen-Age, 16, 17, 20, 47
Mozart, 21
Musgrave, 65
Musique, 24, 163
Mutagen, 175
Mutator, 177
Myers, 65, 66
Napier, 156
Nechtaval, 72
Nemirovsky, 186
Neurowear, 228
Nevar, 177
Niemeyer, 86
NIO, 162
Nodal, 172
NodeBox, 169
Nogo, 105
nombre d’or, 137
Nyeki, 80
objet, 172
Ofria, 176. One of the authors of Avida software.
Open CV, 116
Open Frameworks, 170
oral, 163
Orellana, 105
Osborne, 122
Oulipo, 47, 49
Outrapo, 49
Paik, 79
Painting Beings, 77
Panofsky, 139
Paris ACM Siggraph, 39
Pärt, 56
Pauline, 97
peinture, 62, 165
Peinture, 25
perception, 153
Perec, 37
Perez y Perez, 134
Pérez y Pérez, 51
performance, 86, 184
perspective, 20
Phidgets, 159
photographie, 25, 62, 165
Photoshop, 167
PicBreeder, 175
Picocricket, 159
Pirovano, 35
Pistorius, 228
Pitaru, 62
Pixel Bender Toolkit, 169
Polanski, 81
Pollock, 71
Pontecorvo, 82
Popper, 36, 38, 40
postmoderne, 37
Préhistoire, 13,14
procédural, 149
Processing, 156, 158, 161, 167, 181
prosodie, 53, 163
Prospective, 113
Pure Data, 171
Pyke, 60
Python, 171
Qbist, 175
Queneau, 47, 49
Quoth, 185
Rabinowitz, 103, 171
Rahim, 84
Rameau, 21
Ray, 176
Reas, 76, 222
récursivité, 151
Reich, 58
relationnel, 99
Renaissance, 18
rendu expressif, 175
Repetto, 81
réseau, 103
réseaux, 37
Rhinoceros 3D, 173
Robida, 22, 23, 113
robot, 148
Robotique, 105, 187
Rooke, 68
rotative, 24
Roubaut, 47
Rowbottom, 177
Roxame, 68, 145, 147, 178
Rozin, 79
Saint Amant, 69
Saint-Clair, 120
sample, 149
San Base, 73
Santarromana, 112
Saussure, 24, 47
Sbart, 175
Schillinger, 32, 58
Schmitt, 75, 122, 134
Schoeffer, 35, 79, 130
Schoenberg, 25
Schönberg, 56
Sculpture, 79, 182
sens, 137
sensoriel, 153
Servovalve, 77
Shakespeare, 21
Sharples, 51
Simart, 29
simplicité, 135
Sims, 78, 140, 176
Singleton, 175
Sintex, 162
Sirois, 61
Sirotinsky, 174
Slijkerman, 174
Soban, 66
Soddu, 176
soft cinéma, 74
Softimage, 171
Sommerer, 71
Source Binder, 172
Souriau, 43
Spideka, 92
sport, 110
Stagnaro, 100
Stanley, 49, 73, 100, 101, 156
Steiner, 43
Stockausen, 56, 58
Structure Synth, 172
Substance, 134
SuperCollider, 185
surréalistes, 27
Synesthésia, 165
tactical media, 111
Taha, 173
Tarbell, 156
Teihard de Chardin, 34
Térémine, 28
Terzidis, 85
texte, 46, 161
Textures, 175
The Painting Fool, 176
Thelonius Monk, 56
Thornton, 174
Tierra, 176
Tinguely, 34, 35, 79
Todd, 141
toucher, 154
Townsend, 68, 219
Toxiclibs, 168
transfert, 120
Tresset, 68, 178, 219
Troy, 78
Turing, 102
typographie, 53, 162
Ultra Fractal, 174
Uncanny Valley, 116
Unemi, 175
urbanisme, 183
Usine, 185
Utterbach, 54
Valéry, 29
Vantongerloo, 35
Vasarely, 36
Ventrella, 78
Verne, 22, 23, 25, 113
Verostko, 65
Verstappen, 72
Vidal, 35
vie monastique, 109
viral, 72
virus, 140
vision, 153
Vitruve, 15
Von Neumann, 33, 140
Vvvv, 171
Wagner, 25, 45
Wagon, 86, 105
Watson, 111, 133
Wattenberg, 62, 156
Watz, 78, 121
web, 103, 187
Wenger, 62, 178
Whitelaw, 148
WII, 116
Wiring, 158
Xenakis, 58, 140
Xenodream, 174
Xform, 173
Zinneman, 74