Digital Creation Geogaphy
and Tourist Guide
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Last revised 08/29/2014. Return to major concepts.
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World Map Abstract Painting, from the Quertime website.
This guide intends to be:
- an hymn to the universality of digital art, going along with a rich "culturo-diversity",
- an invitation to travel and, when traveling, to enjoy as far as possible the digital resources at hand; but the travel can remain virtual an web mediated, of course.
In this spirit, the terms "creation" and "digital" are used here in the broad sense more than in a rigorous search for digital depth.
Please note: Le Guide des festivals numériques 2011-2012 by MCD. 350 festivals in France and the World. Bilingual edition.
Some statistical analyses on 1600 digital artists, in "French touch".
Geographical distribution of artists in diccan (on May 5, 2014.
France | Europe | N. America | L. America | MEA | Asia-Oceania | ||
Text, Literature | 44 | 22 | 43 | 7 | 1 | 117 | |
Image (still) | 77 | 143 | 100 | 13 | 10 | 40 | 383 |
Music | 65 | 61 | 60 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 198 |
Image (moving) | 96 | 66 | 100 | 8 | 8 | 20 | 298 |
Physical objects | 57 | 93 | 72 | 3 | 12 | 18 | 255 |
Performance | 44 | 29 | 32 | 2 | 2 | 8 | 117 |
Multimedia, Web | 181 | 184 | 214 | 18 | 25 | 44 | 666 |
564 | 598 | 621 | 54 | 62 | 135 | 2034 |

France, map of the EPN (Etablissements publics numériques), centers to promote and distribute digital culture available to all.
- For all the French Régions, a guide of digitized art collections, see the Patrimoine numérique website of Ministère de la Culture.
- Is there a "French touch" in digital art?
French public support to multimedia (2013).
- A map of the EPN (établissements publics numériques), local facilities (computers and assistance) to enter into the digital word.
- Index of the French digital artists presented in diccan.
- You can also use the Guide des ressources et des lieux, by MCD (most recent edition: 2013).

Strasbourg (Alsace), birthplace of Gutenberg, a major pioneer in (pre-)digital art.
Bourogne (Haut Rhin). Espace Gantner.
Strasbourg (Bas Rhin)
- Multimedia library, with state of the art digital access (Eric Le Guay in Baume-les-Messieurs, 6/5/2011).
- The Shadok, a digital factory and art center (opening by Fall 2014)
- Scientific symposia around image, specially medical..
- Festivals: Ososphère, Pixels.
- Les nuits électroniques.
Astronomical clock (inside the Cathedral).
Ungersheim. Park Le bioscope. Ecomuseum. Not propely digital nor bio-art.

Bordeaux, Imayana.
The Region has a cultural Agency, Ecla, (Ecrit, cinéma, livre et audiovisuel en Aquitaine), with in particular a literary patrimony pole, called Monumérique-Archimérique.
Agen. The Walibi park has multimedia projects.
Argelès-sur-Mer (Pyrénées Atlantiques) Cinimaginaire
Biarritz. Cité de l'océan et du surf. Quoted by Sonovision, May 2011.
Billières (Pyrénées Atlantiques), near Pau Acce(s).
Bordeaux (Gironde)
Espace culturel multimédia
- Imayana, multimedia tack, interactive and fictional. Augmented reality on a tactile tablet. An article signed by Annick Emery in Sonovision, Sept. 2012.
- From the 1950's to 1997 was held the Sigma festival. See its story by Frank Ancel.

- La Commande (Pyrénées Atlantiques). Sometimes Digital Art at La Commanderie.
Saint-Médart en Jalles. Festival Des souris et des hommes.
Pau (Pyrénées Atlantiques)
see Billières.
- Festival Les Chemins Electroniques.
Terrasson (Dordogne) ECM
The country of Gerbert (the first French algorist and Pascal (philosopher and mathematician).Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dome)
- ECM.
- Festivals: Musiques démesurées, Vidéoformes.
Lagorce (Ardèche). Festival L'art des corps.
Vulcania. Attraction park, with some multimedia.
Low Normandy
The country of Laplace (statue in Beaumont).
The Region hosts a regional resource center for the EPN.
- The cine-club hosts a website with plenty of analyses about cinema (films, books, DVD...).
- Festival ]Interstice[, "meeting of the inclassables"
- The Theatre sometimes present digital woks.

Le Clair Obscur
- Le Clair Obscur. A really advanced group on digital art.
Dives-sur-Me (Calvados) r. The multimedia library Prévert is active, as show its web anouncements.
Hérouville Saint-Clair (Calvados) . Comédie of Caen - Centre dramatique national de Normandie. Video and Internet
Le Mont Saint-Michel (Manche). Important digital media in the Tourist Information Center (CIT): wall of images, a large immersive hall. To be definitevely opened in December 2013.
- Wine itself becomes a form of digital culture....
- Chalon-sur-Saône:
Interactive 3D settings in the Nicéphore Niepce museum.
- Cluny (Saône-et-Loire): A high place for augmented reality. 3D presentations let you vist the Abbey as it was on 15th century. The first presentation was done by IBM in 1992. Then the presentations were developed. See for instance The PDF pupblished by Arts et Métiers..
- Dijon: active University.
Bretagne (Brittany)
Regional data base (not specially digital).
Bouillants festival, in various places (Vern-sur-Seiche, Rennes, Saint-Brieuc and Quimper).

Le Fourneau (Brest).
Brest (Finistère)- Le fourneau (hosts a multimedia cultural space)
- Festival Astropolis.
- Net of the municipal Libraries.
- Elektroni-k Festival
Lorient (Morbihan): Festival K3 (a week of digital graphic creation)
Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine).
- On the website you can discover the city at different stages of its history.
- Musée des Beaux-Arts (multimedia active, notably with Gamme, a mobile augmented guide of museums and expositions).
- Les Bouillants. Presentations, annual festival.
In October, Cultures Electroni[k] festival. Infos about the 2011 session. Home page in 2013.
- In December 2010, Festival of animation cinema (Afca) and light projections on monuments, by Spectaculaires.
Saint-Brieuc (Côtes d'Armor)
During the Rock festival, projections on monuments. Video for 2011.
- MJC du plateau.
Saint-Malo (Ille et Vilaine). Course du Rhum (sail regatta), with projections on the ramparts.
Amboise (Indre et Loire). Leonardo da Vinci museum (at Clos Lucé), with models of his machines, done with IBM support. You can prepare your visit on Internet.
Bourges (Cher)
- Festival Bandits-Mage (animated images and new media).
Astronomical clock (St Etienne cathedral).

Chartres: augmented reality on the Cathedral.
Chartres (Eure-et-Loir) Chartres en lumières (Lights on Chartres). This annual festival presents notably projections on the North cathedral portal, with a restitution of colors such as they were in middle-ages. Augmented reality, sort of.
Gourvilliers (Loiret). Digital puppets at Antre-Loup festival (at least in 2011).
Orléans (Loiret)
- Labomedia.
- Sound and lights about Jeanne of Arc, upon the cathedral. (Spring 2011).
- Festival Fête 01.10.
Charleville-Mézières: sometimes digital arts (puppets) notably at annexe d'Aubilly, in 2011.
Colombey-les-deux-églises. Charles de Gaulle's Memorial. Video and sound design.
Reims (Marne)
- In 2011, for its 800 years, the cathedral was illuminated.
Saint-Exupéry Cultural center. Site.
Digital night.
Belfort: Gantner Space.
Besançon (Doubs). Astronomical clock.
Montbéliard (Doubs):. Ars numerica.
Ronchamp (Haute-Saône) The chapel, by Le Corbusier.
France has been for long a strongly centralized country. Hence the strongly dominant position of digital art resources in Ile-de-France, the Paris Region. Powerful institutions are at work not only in the capital "intra muros" but in several neighboring cities (Créteil, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Montreuil, Enghien-les-Bains...).
- Futur en Seine festival, in June.
- Vallée de la culture
- Tram, contemporary art network for Paris Ile-de-France (not specifically digital).
- Sigchi Paris chapter.
Paris ACM Siggraph chapter of Siggraph.
- Nemo Festival.
- Festivals in Ile de France, a 2011 note by Dominique Moulon.
Aubervilliers. Was the place for an ambitious projetct, the Metafort, in an ancient fortification. As far as we know, the project was abandoned for safety/cost reasons, due to asbestos.
> Le Métafort d'Aubervilliers. Ed. by Pierre Musso and Jean Zeitoun, Editions Charles Le Bouil, 1995.
Bagnolet (Seine Saint-Denis)
- La fonderie de l'image.
- The Chateau Vanderbilt becomes a cultural center, a "digital factory".
Créteil (Val de Marne)
- Exit, annual festival, at Maison des Arts
- Le Mac, Maison des arts de Créteil, "The technological studio". A special issue of ArtPress2 Aug/Sept/Oct 2012. "What art does to literature"
- Madeleine Rebérioux, Social cultural center.
Ecouen (Val d'Oise)
- National museum of Renaissance: mutimedia set presenting the goldsmith bench of Augustus the Great, Saxony elector.
Enghien-les-Bains (Val d'Oise)
- Virtualia (2013).
Digital reconstitution of 19th century kinetic art, by Jean-Paul Favand.
- Every year Bains numériques, at Centre des arts.
Specific performance in 2010: le banquet interactif.
. Several articles about les Bains numériques in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013.
- Médiathèque George Sand. Media library.

Le Cube, in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine)
Evry (Essonne).
Every second year Siana.
- Circuits éclectiques annual festival
- Permanent CDA (centre des arts)
Gentilly (Val de Marne):
Town Cyberespace
- Le générateur
Guyancourt (Yvelines). Many works of art, some kinetic, in the urban park.
Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts de Seine):
Le Cube. A very active cultural center, dedicated to digital activities.
Electronic readers in the media libraries.
Mantes (Yvelines):
Centre culturel Le Chaplin, au Val Fourré.
Marne-la-Vallée (Seine-et-Marne):
- La ferme du buisson.
- Université of Marne-la-Vallée
- DisneyLand.
Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine). Seroussi pavilion , by Biothing. Technical notes and photos in [Burry]. Boldly generative art.

Neural Brigade in Montreuil
.Montreuil (Seine Saint-Denis). Maison Populaire.
- Les Hivernales 2012. Includes a digital art section.
Neuilly (Hauts-de-Seine) Automata museum.
La Plaine Saint-Denis (Seine Saint-Denis). Dimension 3 Festival
Rocquencourt: Inria research center headquarters.
Saint-Denis (Seine Saint-Denis):
Cultural center Synesthésie.
- Cité du Cinéma. Wikipedia.
Saint-Ouen (Seine Saint-Denis):
Verrières-le-Buisson (Essonne): FAN (Festival des arts numériques). First session in 2012.
- The Paris Digital Spring keeps going ! (2013)
- A Great Week in Paris (2012)
- Printing Error (2012)
In the metro stations and passages, flat screens for commercials.
- Sigchi Paris chapter. Paris ACM Siggraph.
- What makes Paris look like Paris? A computer study by Carnegie Mellon University.
- Le Paris des Orgues, association. Website.
- Mal au pixel festival
Bookshops with digital art books:
- Fnac (Forum des Halles).
- L'Harmattan which has also a video shop for DVDs.
- Vrin (place de la Sorbonne) is dedicated to philosophy. But with several shelfs for aesthetics, where you can find treasures.
- Eyrolles (boulevard Saint Germain) is the most important store in Paris (if not in the World, since the McGrawHill NYC bookstore was closed around 2000) for computer books, included graphics.
- Mona Lisait (rue Pavée), for second hand books, mainly art, but very few books on digital.
- Florence Loewy, artists books. Some are digital (e.g. Lucioloscope by ESA des Rocailles).
- La Galcante (rue de l'Arbre sec), ancient press. Printing and press are basic digital arts (...)
Other shops of interest for artists, notably plastic artists:
Colors, materials, tools: Sennelier (on river Seine, facing Le Louvre), Rougier-Plé (Filles du Calvaire Metro station), BHV (Hotel de Ville).
- Tools and materials for jewellers and watchmakers, also design products: Selfor (rue Réaumur).
- Tools and materials for DIY and art le BHV (basement and 2d floor),
- Heavier metal, materials and tools Weber (rue de Poitou, rue de Turenne).
- Embroidery from computer, software and machines: Fabre Varaldi (av. de la République).
The City of Paris supports the Fmac (Fonds municipal art collection). It has acquired in 2012 The Black Pixel, by Antoine Schmitt.
Paris 1e.
- Le Louvre is very active on the Web. Beyond its official website the museum is present on Facebook, Youtube, Dailymotion...
Tour de l'horloge of La Conciergerie (on Seine river). A middle-ages clock, with a superb motto: "Machina
quae bis sex tam juste dividit horas, justitiam servare monet legesque tueri"
(This machine which, in twice sixes divides hours, teaches us to serve justice an obey laws.). Restored in 2012.
- Forum des Images (inside Forum des Halles, place carrée).
- Cinema Library (inside Forum des Halles).Alas practically nothing about digital.
- Musée des arts décoratifs (in 2011, exposition Chalayan, for instance).
- Le laboratoire
- MGI. Maison du geste et de l'image. For the younger. A little digital.

Customize your clothing at Nouveaux Ateliers.
- Les nouveaux ateliers. Customized clothing, you take your own measurements with a 3D scanner.
- Saint-Eustache, the organ. Completely remade, with a vintage style console, but digital control. A mobile console is visible near the main entrance. Description
Paris 2e.
- La Tête dans les nuages A large space dedicated to electronic games, including immersion cabins on jacks.
- La Cantine, near the Stock Exchange. A meeting point for computer professionals. Not specially arts.
Paris 3e. A lot of places and art galleries, mainly in the "haut marais".

A work by Clempoel, at Galerie Charlot.
- Gaité lyrique. A large cultural and art center, with important expositions of digital creation and a resource center (library, medias).
- Galerie Charlot. Shows permanently digital art.
- Le Garage, hosting the annual art fair Slick, with some digital artists.
- Galerie Zürcher. Digital artists (sometimes)
- Galerie Denise René. She gave a powerful support to contemporary art, notably kinetic arts, in the 1960's. In 2013, a grand jump into the digital world.
- Acabas. Artists and design shop. Has notably works by Alain Le Boucher.
. Galerie Richard, shows works of Nechvatal.
- Galerie Taiss. Sometimes abstract and nearly digital art.
- Galerie Paris Beijing. See China below.
Conservatoire des Arts et métiers. Multimediation, mainly for youngers.
- Eugénie Seigneur (16 rue Charlot) can make graphic actions on your pictures and frame them.
Paris 4e
- The Pompidou Centre, its architecture, its library, its expositions. Several millions of visitors each year.
Restaurant Georges , in Centre Pompidou, architecture by Jacob + MacFarlane.
- A clock near Centre Pompidou, , passage de l'Horloge on 10/1/2010, it was out of service).
- Maison européenne de la photo. Expositions here show frequently digital art.
- Ircam, and Agora festival. The top place for French musical research.
Between Ircam et Pompidou, a pool with fountains by Nikki St Phalle and Tinguely (kinetic art).
- Saint Merri Church. A lot of art (classical). Sometimes, digital art shows.
- At Leroy-Merlin (materials shop), LED art with Dipline panels.
- On Boulevard Beaumarchais, a small shop selling music boxes and other automata.
Musée des automates et de la magie
Pavillon de l'Arsenal. Frequent shows of contemporary architecture and projects.
Paris 5e.

Mobile Art, by Zaha Hadid, on the back court of Institut du Monde Arabe.
The Latin Quarter, Parisian district of universities and the related contestation (since the middle ages). A lot of famed schools, and diversified bookshops (see above).
- Mobile Art Pavilion, by Zaha Hadid, The main IMA building is also famed for its cybernetic light regulation, with mobile metal parts (still operational? ).
. Ensad, Ulm street
(Ecole nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs).
. Paris ACM Siggraph site. See its meetings agenda.
- Eclats de Nature. This shop sells the Heliobil butterflies of Philippe Debouclans (kinetic art).
Paris 6e
- A high place for galleries and antiquity shops. But with little place for digital art.
- Galerie Lélia Mordoch (rue Mazarine). Sometimes it exposes contemporary and digital art. Among the hosted artists: François Morellet, Julio Le Parc and Alain Le Boucher.
Paris 7e.
More ministries than culture, but:
. Eiffel tower: nearly an equation, and a lot of computations in the 19th century, by Eiffel studio.
. Musée des Arts Nouveaux (quai Branly), with architecture by Jean Nouvel.
- Memorial of Algerian war. Three columns with lights scrolling the names of victims.
Paris 8e
Publicis Drugstore (architecture)
Paris 9e.
The Pigalle's district has its night life, where you can see and hear DJs and VJ; it considers also itself as "the largest music mall in the world", mostly acoustic but with a lot of digital equipement, for instance at Star's Music and Home Studio.
Paris 10e.
- Gare du Nord:
a kinetic and video work by Fabien Chalon in one of the halls. But, since July 2011, it is out of service.
- Le 29.(rue des Récollets). Bookshop and digital photo laboratory.
Paris 11e.
- Maison des métallos.
- Ars longa gallery.
- Galerie du Buisson. Spirituality and digital art.
Paris 12e.
- Terres d'Aligre. Bookshop, gallery, publishing. Contemporary art, some digital works.
- Marcadys. Paintings.
Paris 13e. Docks en Seine, Cité de la Mode et du design. Website.
- The first museum on "Entertainment arts" opens in Paris, november 16 2014.
Paris 16e. Palais de Tokyo, "contemporary creation site". Website.

La machine of Moulin Rouge
Paris 18e. La machine du Moulin rouge.
Paris 19e
- La galerie G. Art in the Garage. Sometimes digital.
- Cité de la musique. A collection of instruments and active policy of concert recording and broadcasting.
- Cité des Sciences/Universcience, with an important library, open to public and with special services to professionals.
- X-réseau or Théâtre Paris-Villette. Some virtual works.
- Le 104 (Le CentQuatre), art institution of Paris City.
Paris 20e
- La bellevilloise.
- Galerie de Roussan
- Plateforme, presenting Dimanche rouge in 2013.
Paris La Défense
- The whole district testifies about architecture evolutions during the last decades. The Nobel tower is one of the first, and "modern"... today outmoded. The last towers (EDF, GAN) are more "post'modern"). A lot of sculpture is presented on the esplanade, which you can visit as an open air museum of contemporary art: Miro, Calder, César.. See the online catalog of presented works.
- La Défense is sometimes a great stage for sound and light spectacles, or live 4D. For instance, in 1990 with Jean-Michel Jarre or in September 2012, as tells us Eric Legay.
Rungis (Essonne): Puce Muse. Musical space.
Saclay (Essonne): A vast set of campuses and research centers. For example Neurospin about neurosciences. Not open to the public.
Saint-Denis (Seine Saint-Denis) Synesthésie.
- let us recall that Saint-Denis was the first Gothic church.
Saint-Ouen (Seine Saint-Denis): Mains d'oeuvres. "A place for artistic and cultural imagination". Mostly performance arts (dance, theater, music), but also visual and "sensorial" arts.
Sèvres (Hauts-de-Seine) La Générale en manufacture (studios for artists, not open to the public)
Versailles (Yvelines) The castle hosts frequently contemporaray art, and makes use of multimedia applications.
Paris Roissy (Charles de Gaulle Airport)
- Works by Miguel Chevalier in terminal 2E, gate M23. Text and pictures by Digitalarti.(Summer 2012).
- The Région publishes on line a guide L'art contemporain en Languedoc Roussillon, which is only a part of Stéphan Barron website, teacher in Montpellier.
Les Angles (Pyrénées orientales). This winter resort operates a digital audio network. (See Sonomag, May 2011).

Fonséranes, the Christ Child's crib.
Béziers (Hérault): a Christ Child's crib at Fonséranes (retirement home of Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes) Video on Dailymotion. This work has something unique: it has been developed continuously since the 1930's, firstwith electro-mechanical means, then put under the control not properly of a computer, but of an electro-mechanical timer connected to a topped CD-Rom.
Causse Méjean (Lozère) La Draille.
Malves (castel of), near Carcassonne (Aude): CMI, Centre méditerranéen de l'image (Mediterranean image center).
Montpellier (Hérault).
- La Panacée Art Center. Opened 6/2013
- Galerie Aperto Was present at Cutlog NY 2013.
- Kawenga. A place dedicated to creation, meditation, education and distribution of digital arts. Open to a large public (artists, researchers, teachers, users, children),
- Bipolar, art production and distribution bureau.
- ISI Festival.
- Hybrid encounters.
Nîmes (Gard). Delco festival: concerts, expositions, performance.
Perpignan (Pyrénées orientales). Tilt Festival (music, shows, games, cine remix, , performance).
Sète (Hérault): The CRAC (Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain, Contemporary art center).
Sète. Dailymotion of a work by Peter Kogler.
Sussargues (Hérault): "Les arts des vignes" (Vineyards art) Festival.
Le Vigan (Gard)
- Oudeis. Association, artists residence, events for the public.
- "Art Fair(e)": digital, electronic and media arts.
Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (Gard):
- "Sondes" meetings.
- "Théâtre du Globe" festival, digital theater.
Limoges. Wif: Worldwide interactive design festival
- Local sites: Vallée des éclusiers (Lock keepers valley), a theme park Terra Botanica. Article in Sonovision 5/2011.
- Metz (Moselle): Festivals: Nuit blanche, Contrast.
Albi (Tarn). LAIT.
Fiac (Tarn). Afiac. Association Fiacoise d'Initiatives Artistiques Contemporaines. Not particularly digital, but based on digital communication. And strongly local/associative.
Gargas (Haute-Garonne). In the Gargas caves: a tactile tablet to revive preshistoric art. See a article.
Souillac (Lot) Musée des automates (Automata museum)
Sauclières (Aveyron) Musée des automates et des santons (Automata and Christ crib puppets museum).
Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). The city is famed for its lively atmosphere, stirred by important universities and research laboratories (computers, robotics). It is dubbed "La ville rose" for the general color of its architecture, and specially its central square, the Capitole square.
- Bellegarde, cultural center.
- Toulouse numérique.
- Festival "Traverses vidéo"?
- Festival "Empreintes numériques".
Nord - Pas-de-Calais
Béthune. Annual festival. In 201, exposition "Matière-lumière" (Matter-lignt). (Two pages by Aude de Bourbon-Parme in Digitalarti no6).
Lille (Nord)
Lille, Dunkerque, Tourcoing. Name Festival.
- The town wants to combine art and technologies in its project "Lille, ville d'art du futur", led by Jérôme Copin.
- International festival of short films. Animation fest.
Le Fresnoy (Nord): Festival Panorama. Report by Dominique Moulon about the 2012 session.
Maubeuge (Nord): Festival Via.
Tourcoing (Nord): See Le Fresnoy.
Valenciennes (Nord):
e-Magiciens (festival). The trailer of 2010 session. No session after 2011.
- SupInfocom. Art school.
Pays de Loire
Angers (Maine-et-Loire): Face, festival angevin de cultures électroniques (Angevine festival of electronic cultures).
Laval (Mayenne). Professional show and scientific conference Laval Virtual. The trailer for 2011.
Mayenne (Mayenne) Cybercentre Annie Dissaux.

Laval: the international meeting (scientific conference and show) of the Virtual reality.
-Nantes (Loire Atlantique). A harbour city with a long past, along the Loire River near to its mouth. Among digital high places: the Dukes of Brittany castle and The Machine center.
- Crealab.
- The Dukes of Brittany castle is cooperating with researchers (Annick Hémery, Sonovision 5/2011).
- Scopitone Festival (September 2010): Electronic cultures and digital arts. See Scopitone.
- Cable# Festival.
- Stereolux, one of the structures in La Fabrique.
- Mars Multimédia: multimedia creation of all genres.
- International lab meeetings.
The bridge over the Loire river (complex architecture).
- Jules Verne museum (but more about transportation systems than about information).
- The "Lieu unique "is not very digital. But its leader, Patrick Gyger, nurtures "arts/sciences" projects.
Beauvais (Somme)- Le labo (culture-multimedia space). An example of animation made in the labo (several on Dailymotion).
- Astronomical clock. Video
Compiègne (Oise): Festival Les Composites.
Angoulème (Charente)
- Comic strip national center and annual festival.
- Enjmin. Video of opening ceremony in 2005.
Poitiers (Vienne)
- Digital meetings. For 2011: an article by Eric Leguay.
- Futuroscope. Entertainment park. Video of illuminations for Christmas 2010.
- Make Art festival.
- Mendès-France space.
Provence Alpes Côte-d'-Azur
- Regional database (not specifically digital).
Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhone)
Gamertz Festival: game and contemporary creation.
Arles (Bouches-du-Rhone)
- Databit Festival.
- Ecole nationale supérieure de la photographie.
- Atelier de mécanique. Show place.
Main Demoparty festival (workshop for programmers and artists of "la scène démo").
- Supinfocom Arles. Art school.
Aubagne. International film festival.
Biot (Alpes Maritimes): Fernand Léger Museum.
Coustellet (Vaucluse): La gare Coustellet. (30mn out of Avignon). Cultural site.
Crévoux (Alpes de Haute-Provence): Winter fairy.

Calligraphy in Mougins.
Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone)
- New technologies at Marseille's "AntiAtlas" (Digitalarti, 2014).
- Zinc, Friche La belle de Mai.
- Instant video festival.
- Musée d'histoire de Marseille. Multimedia animation by Alain Dupuy and Adeline Rispal.
- Archaos. Parc national méditerranéen des arts du cirque (National park for Circus arts).
- Pharo: Adidas sport sound and light, on Spring 2011.
- Festival "Les instants vidéo"
- RIAM Rencontres internationales des arts multimédia (International meeting for multimedia arts).
- "Les Musiques" Festival.
Mougins: Calligraphy day.

La Réserve, a night club with sophisticated LED lights.
Nice (Alpes Maritimes):
- Villa Arson, institution dedicated to contemporary art.
- Le hublot. "Animatec multimedia creation center".
Saint-Raphaël (Var). "La réserve" nightclub. LED decoration.
Villeneuve-lès-Avignon: CNES La Chartreuse (Centre National des Ecritures du Spectacle, National center for Stage writing). Experimental works "Sondes".
- The Region is active on the digital field: University of Lyon, several institutions in Grenoble. Its digital planning for 2011.
Regional data base (not specifically digital).
Annecy (Haute-Savoie): Annual festival of Animation film, and Mifa salon (market).
Avenières (Isère). Multmedia projects on Walibi park.
Bourgoin-Jallieu (Isère): Electrochoc festival. Data and a video about Electrochoc#8 (2013).
Grenoble (Isère):
Festival Lumière on the Bastille (a citadel, dominating upon the City).
- Automata museum.
Lans-en-Vercors (Isère). Festival Hadra/Trance Festival.

Lyon, Light Feast, 2011. Click for the H+ Gallery video
- Lyon (France), multimedia in public space (Digitalarti)
- 2012 Biennale. Report by Dominique Moulon.
- 21st century architecture, notably digital, in Lyon Confluence.
Astronomical clock. Video
- AADN. An art center for everybody in the district.
- Media library, digitally advanced (Eric Le Guay at Baume-les-Messieurs, 5/6/2011).
- Galerie H+. Opened on 11/11/11. Specialized in digital art. It presents works using the technology as a new media in the realms of art, design and event special event management.
- Musée de l'imprimerie (Printing museum).
- "Photoportail" project by the Town public library.
- Laboratoire ouvert lyonnais.
- Festival "Nuits sonores" (Sound nights)
- Fête des lumières (Lights fest), on the beginning of December. For 2012, see Sonovision Broadcast, Jan. 2013.
Saint-Etienne. JIM, Journées d'informatique musicale (Computer music days).
Saint-Nazaire le Désert (Drôme). "Désert numérique" festival.
Valence Tracesfestival (e)mergence visual arts/music/technologies.
- Mobile cameras festival.
In 2013, nearly 70 years after the birth of first computers, it is difficult to imagine that, on that time, English, German and (a little less) French engineers laid the bases of computer science and industry. The war, then the aggressive marketing of American firms (IBM, mainly) with European divisions and errors to oust of the game major players like ICL (UK), Bull (France), Siemens (Germany), Philips (Netherlands) and Olivetti (Italy). That has not been without consequence on art, as appears in our historical figures (see below).
- Interview of Plastikman in A Nous Paris, 12/20/2010 (our translation):
. May American people see Europe as a freer creation field. Is it your feeling?
. Yes. That counted in my decision to live in Berlin. In the US, to progress, you need the support of radio stations, and your work quickly becoms a product. The Europeans have always found a better balance between culture, way of life and art. Specially in Germany and France, where you find a long tradition of openness and support to non-popular works.

- The cybernetic tower, by Nicolas Schoefer, was an important testimony of early digital arts. Postmodern architecture and multimedia were widely present.
Austria: violent waltzes
Forget Mozart and the Blue Danube! Klimt and Schonberg have broken the sweet mirror and to day Kurt Hentschlager and Ulf Langheinrich Ulf will use any means to destabilize you. Don't forget that Ars Electronica has been for years an important digital world event. But it's also an Austrian thinker and leader, Johannes Grenzfurthner, who leads the hacking label monocrhom and (in San Francisco, CA), the Arse Electronica festival about sex and technology.
Index of the Austrian digital artists presented in diccan.
Modern art museum, architecture by Peter Cook and Colin Fournier.
- Robot Dreams exposition (in cooperation with Basels Tinguely museum).
- Elevate festival
Hellbrunn (near Salzburg). Water plays at the Castle: in the park, a miniature town is full with animations controlled by a paddle wheel in a river.
Krems an Donau. Donaufestival
- Ars Electronica Center. Wikipedia. About the 201 Dominique Moulon.
Ars Electronica festival and conference. Notes about 2013 session, 2012 session, 2011 session, by Dominique Moulon.
Vienna: Paraflows festival, Sound Frame in 2010.
Belgium: small but ambitious
Liege has demolished its famed tower due to Nicolas Schöfer. But Brussels has its part in the 2013 digital spring, with the Imal research center, the LKFF gallery and Villa Empain, with an annual rendezvous at Art Brussels and Slick. Dance is not forgotten with Florence Corin and the journal Nouvelles de Danse, strongly oriented towards digital interaction.
Among the most famed Belgian artists, we can quote Peter Beyls, Thom Demeyer, Thomas Israel and Van-Tongerloo.
- Index of Belgian artists presented in diccan.
Ans. At Fort de Loncin "an immersive scenography, peer to the tragic history of the place" (Annick Hémery, in Sonovision 5/2011).
Biddinghuizen. Salle 4D at Wallabi park.
. Digital Spring in Brussels (Art Brussels, Slick, Villa Empain, LKFF)
- Cimatics. Festival.
- Slick, in 2013. Slick Brussels website.
- Imal. Art research center about digital and multimedia production. Our notice.
- Festivals: Cimatics, Acousmatique, Performatik, Vrak.- Villa Empain, Foundation Boghossian.
- Galleries: LKFF, Aeroplastics.
- Artefact festival.
- Cybernetic tower and Conference Center, Palais des Congrès by Nicolas Schoeffer (now destructed; there would be a reconstruction project).
- Archeoforum (sound walk).

Brussels, Imal, 2011. Live surfing by Isabelle Arvers and Anne Laforet. More information.
Lierre: Astronomical clock.
- Festival Transnumériques in cooperation with many French cities.
- City Sonics
- Transcultures.
Interdisciplinary center for electronic and sound cultures.
Helsinki (Finland).
- Pixelache festival. A note (and an article of 4 pages by Dominique Moulon in MCD June-July-August 2011).
Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
Jyväskylä (Finland). Art and music center. Architecture by Ocean North studio..
Kilpirsjârvi (Finland). Finnnish bio-art society.
Music is the domain where Germany has played the major role in the predigital era. The well-tempered harpsichord of J.S. Bach and the Gesamtkunstwerk of Richard Wagner are top forerunners of digital art, transmedia included. Herbert Von Karajan is also deemed to have been the first to foresee the power of CD-Roms.
Berlin is in the 2010's the world center of techno music.
Today, Henke Robert breaks new ground in generative music.
For painting, among digital German artists, we can quote Hans Dehlinger, Frieder Nake and Georg Nees. Robotics is used by Matthias Gommel and multimedia by Knowbotic Research. Advanced interactive dance is developed by the Palindrome_Inter-media_Performance_Group . In movies, German students have frequently awards in Siggraph.
One may ask why such a great nation, with its traditional strong engagement in art as well as in science and logic, does not do more in digital art. There are historical reasons. Up to the 1930's, Germany was an important leader, not only in music but also in plastic arts with the multi-talented Bauhaus. The Nazi regime made many artist flee off, and notably contributed to the rise of American art. After the war, reconstruction, economic development, cold war then re-unification were more important aims than art development. Would it be only because Germany is not easily attracting tourists.
Today, the forces seem concentrated on two regions: Berlin and the Rhine valley, with for instance Kassel (Documenta, annual show), Karslruhe (ZKM vast center of arts and Art Karlsruhe), Stuggart (FMX conference and show, State Academy of Art ). For the scientific aspects (computer graphics) Fraunhofer Institute has its headquarters in Munich
Index of the German digital artists presented in diccan.
- ZKM, Transmediale, Ikeda and Bartholl, an analysis by Dominique Moulon.
Augsburg. Festival Lag.30
Bayreuth. It was not yet digital, but Wagner made a breakthrough in formalization and multimedia with "Gesamtkunst".
Berlin. Festivals: Netaudio,
Transmediale/CTM.12. A note on 2011 by Dominique Moulon.
. A general note by Dominique Moulon. Alson on his website.
. The SAP Corporate building is a "reactive building", following the project The Hidden World of Voice and Noise by Golan Levin and Zach Lieberman (who constituted, on that time, around 1990) the Ars Electronic Futureland group.
Bremen; In the University, the work Wandern im Wissen. See note.
Cassel. Documenta wikipedia.
Köel: Phantasia land, amusement park.
Dresden. Cynetart festival.
Frankfurt am Main: Node (Forum for digital arts, festival).
- Elba philharmonia (architecture).
- Miniature train models of the Braun brothers, in the Wunderland: 700 trains, 1800 square meters, large computerized control room.
Heilbronn. Astronomical clock.
Worms. The Niebelungen museum had a permanent cave installation about the Niebelungen legend, due to Olivier Auber. This work has been removed.

Karlsruhe, the ZKM.
- See our visit to Art Karlsruhe and ZKM in 2012.
The ZKM collections. One of the most important places for digital art in the world. Part only of the collections are exposed at a given time.
- Some digital art in the annual show Art Karlsruhe. Our paper about the 2012 show.
. A note in 2012 by Dominique Moulon.
Limenau. Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology. An important research center and think tank about new technologies.
Luneburg. Postmedia Lab at Leuphana University CDC (Center for Digital Cultures).
Oldenburg. Edith Russ Haus.
Osnabruck. Emaf. European Media Art Festival.
FMX (graphic arts conference and show).
- Mercedes-Benz museum (architecture).
.- HauptBahnhof, by Ingenhoven Architects, Technical comments in [Burry].
Weimar, Bauhaus memory.
With the cooperation of Valentina Peri.
- Not only an immense historical patrimony (Vitruvius...) but also the most up to date design! Historically we should tend to say (to be checked) that digital art had a quite good time in Italy during the 1960's, due to the strong cultural involvment of Olivetti, as shown by the creation of Gruppo N and Gruppo T. We can suggest also a sort of "Adriatic" community, with a then united Yugoslavia, and the formation of groups like Nove Tendencje. All that disappeared with the universal domination of American computer manufacturers, and the worldwide loss of excitement from computers and cybernetics. But some dynamism kept going, for instance around Arte Generativo or a Siggraph chapter in Milano.
Index of the Italian digital artists presented by diccan.
Ancona. Festival Acusmatiq.
Avellino. Flussi Festival of New Media Art.
Netmage festival. (2001-2011).
Robot Festival. Digital paths into music and art.
- Link Art Center: Center for the arts of the Information Age. See note.
- Otolab. Arts center, education.
Firenze: Festival MUV
- The city of Olivetti, who was an important mechanical then electronic computers.
- Interaction_Design_Institute Interaction design Institute, The Arduino control card was developed here. Now closed, but the cards are still produced in the Olivetti factories in Ivrea
Mantova. Astronomical clock.
- Generative Art (Arte generativo), annual conference. Website. All the papers presented from 1998 to 2012 are online.
- Milano in digitale. An art center.
- Kernel Festival, in Desio.
Hotel Exedra Boscolo (5 stars). "The spa is nothing else than a pure marvel of design and quasi-spatial decoration. The services are on peer, but atmosphere and permanent light play make it a surprising UFO... They had to dare the intergalactic spa. It is real. And it is in Milano". (Christian Moguérou in La Parisienne, Nov. 2010. Our translation).
Modena. Festivale internazionale di musica elettronica e live media.
Pescara. PEAM, Pescara Electronic Artists Meeting.
The Maxxi. Museo nazionale delle arti des XXI secolo. Delirious architecture by Zaha Hadid. Content: paintings, installations, video art.
- Festival LPM (Live performers meeting).
- Digitalife.
- Dissonanze
- Interferenze Festival,
Torino. See Ivrea (above) , a nearby city.
Share festival.
- Evomusart "European Event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design".
- Some consider than the Turin Shroud is a sort of forerunner of chemical reproduction.
The Biennal is not digital oriented, but the 2013 edition has made some investment on the theme. See a note in Media Art Design, by Dominique Moulon. See his reports about 2013 session, 2011 session/
- Toolkit Festival. Interactive art.
Index of the Dutch artists presented in diccan.
- Mediamatic
- NIMK. Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
- Sonic Acts festival. Interdisciplinary art.
Waag Society.
- Rijkmuseum. Offers high resolution images for free downloading (International Herald Tribune, 5/23/2013).
Arnhem. Arnhem Central, by UN Studio. Description in [Burry]: structure in Klein bottle shape.
Doetinchen D-Tower.
STRP festival. A note in 2011 by Dominique Moulon.
Gogbot festival
- Rijkmuseum Twenthe. Exposition Obsessions. Frow Wunderkammer to Cyberspace, in 1995. See [Vroege].
Haarlem HydraPier par Hani Rashid et Lise-Anne Couture.
The Hague: Todaysart festival.
Het Gooi. Möbius House. an UN Studio. Description in [Burry]. An architectural implementation of the famed ring.
Leiden. The Arts and Genomics Center.
Neelte Jans (Isle of) Water pavilion de Lars Spuybroek.
- V2. Institute for the Unstable media.
Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
- Isea. Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts.
Zeeland: fresHtwoOexpo. See Neelte Jans above.
Piksel festival.
- BEK. Bergen Center for Art and Technology
. Atelier Nord.

Oslo: Generator X
- Generator.X
Architecture museum.
Tromso : Insomnia festival (future music, techno culture).
Index of the Spanish digital artists presented in diccan.
Barcelona. Known for its lively "Ramblas" avenues, the Gaudi architecture, and recently the Störung festival.
- ArtFutura. Since January 1990. New media, interactive design, videogames and digital animation.
Its activities include exhibitions, conferences, workshops, interactive installations and live performances
Sonar, festival Störung 7.
- Macba (Museu d'art contemporani de Barcelona).
- La Sagrada Familia, by Gaudi, is built upon mathematical formulas, see [Burry].
- Hotel Prestige Forest, by Cloud 9 Architecture. Project described by [Burry].
Bilbao. Guggenheim museum (architecture), by Frank Gehry, using Catia software.
Gerona. VAD festival.
Gijon. Laboral Center for Art and Industrial Creation
Museo de artes décorativas Multimedia projects.
- Medialab-Prado
Art and design Biennal.
- Zemo festival
Index of Swedish artists
presented in diccan.
Lund. Astronomical clock.
Malmö. Full Pull festival.
Norrköping. New Media Meeting festival.
Umea. Made festival (contemporary dance, performance, electronic music).
Switzerland: arts of the clock
Famed for its precision mechanics, Switzerland has not failed to transfer its specialty into arts. In the predigital era, the Jacquet-Droz automata and Jean Tinguely derisive (and sometimes generative) contraptions remain historical stages. Today, Zimoun uses "prepared motors" for many different effects, and Hanspeter Kyburz builds generative music.
- Zurich is another major pole, since the town was a refuge for many German people in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Dada group was born here also. Markus Gross and teams at ETH push solid research in digital arts in a very open way, as has shown the conference they organized in 2007: Transdisciplinary Digital Art (in cooperation with Victoria, Canada; proceedings edited by Randy Adams, Steve Gibson and Stefan Müller).
Index of the Swiss artists presented in diccan.
- Shift festival
- Tinguely Museum. And a Tinguely fountain in the city (came controlled, we are in the pre-digital era).
- Art Basel and colocated salons.
Astronomical clock. Zytlogge.
- Klee foundation, for the collections but also for the architecture.
Electron festival.
- Mapping festival (visual-audio and deviant electronics).
- Présence "électronique" festival. 4 pages by Laurent Catala in MCD June-August 2011.
Gruyères. Giger lounge bar and museum. Impressive and artistic. Not properly digital.
L'Auberson. Museum of automata.
- Electronic cultures festival.
The Rolex building at EPFL (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne). Architecture years 2009-2010.
- Theater (architecture par Jean Nouvel) on the border of the lake.
- Transportation museum (The younger will love the rail train simulator and a gigantic marshaling yard dummy).
- Richard Wagner museum, in his Tribschen villa.

Neuchatel, Jacquet-Lagrèze automata: designer, harpsichordist, writer.
Neuchatel. Automata by Jacquet-Lagrèze (notably the designer).
Sainte-Croix. Museum of automata.
Seewen. Museum of automata.
Yverdon. Maison d'ailleurs.
- Dominating the downtown, Zurich University and the "poly" (EPF, or ETH), where the halls host frequently interesting expositions (for example, on Fibonacci), and two departments are related to digital arts: computer graphics (Markus Gross) and software engineering (Betrand Meyer and his "touch of class").
- Artists in labs. A collaboration between the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts ICS and the Federal Office for Culture (FOC). The artists-in-labs program is a program devoted to the processes, participation, collaboration and documentation of shared experiences between the Arts and the Sciences. The headquarters are located at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts ICS.
In the Hauptbahnhof halle, Nova, "the first in the world bivalent 3D color screen", a gift of EPF students.
- Tweakfest festival
Wesendonck mansion, where Wagner abode long years during his exile, until his departure for Luzern then Bayreuth.
- Fabian & Claude Walter Galerie.
- Souvenir of the Cabaret Voltaire, where the Dada movement was borne.
- A Tinguely's machine is permanently installed in the large park along the lake.
United Kingdom: Turing and markets
The UK holds strong positions, and a generative orientation:
- in music, The-Beatles played a major role in the use of new technologies; then Brian Eno or the Archive group have the ship going,
- in painting, Sue Gollifer, in games of light Helen Evans,
- in cinema, Peter Greenaway,
- in animation, William Latham in the 1980's and later Geoff Cox give life to generative techniques,
- in robotics, Rob Myers or Patrick Tresset,
- important tools have been offered by Frédéric-Fol Leymarie then by Simon Colton, Karsten Schmidt.
London, with the auctioneer Christies, the Tate Modern gallery is an important hub for digital art.
Index of British artists presented in diccan.
Birmingham: Selfridges store, architecture by Cook & Kaplicky
Brighton. The Institute of Unnecessary Research
Edinburgh. New Media Scotland
Leicester: John Lewis megastore, by Foreign Level architects studio.
Liverpool. Le Fact.
- Victoria and Albert Museum. A unique collection of early computer art. See our note.
Penguins pool in the zoo. Helicoid architecture/sculpture by Berthold Luberkin.
- Serpentine Gallery

London: the Tate Modern.
- Tate Modern. A large collection of contemporary art. In 2003, The Weather Project, by Olafur Eliasson. Comments in [Quaranta] p. 21.
- Design museum, and its Web Wizards project.
Festival Netaudio.
- Backspace.
- The Arts Catalyst
- Furtherfield arts center.
- Museum of London. A large LED wall by The Light Surgeons.
- At the University of London, The Goldsmith Institute gives hand on education to computer graphics (notably drawing).
Malvern Hills. The Big Chill festival.
- Future Everything festival.
Professional chapter of 'ACM Siggraph
Sheffield. Sensoria festival.
Other European countries
Athens (Greece). Parthenon. More digital than you would think.
- Quoted in [Berger-Lioret] p. 15.
Brno (Czech Republic): New new! festival.
Bucarest (Romania). Rokolectiv festival.
Budapest (Hungary)
C3 Center.
- Kitchen Budapest.
County Laois (Ireland). Electir Picnic.
Dublin (Eire).
DEAF, Dublin electronic arts festival.
- Science Gallery
The Golden Ring (Russia). Trimurti festival.
Hostebro (Danemark). Cybernetic sculpture, lasers Chaos Temple (make sure that it is operational when you come).
Koranica-Plitvicka (Croatia). Lost Theory festival
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Ljudmila, Lujbljana Digital Media Lab.
Pomladi festival.
- Animateka. Animation festivals page.
Madeira (Portugal): Madeira Dig Festival
Minsk (Bielorussia): LPM (Live performers meeting) festival
Moscow (Russia Federation) Mmoma, Moscow museum of modern art.
Novi Sad (Serbia). Kuda, New Media Center.
Paros (Greece)
- Ipac. International Paros Art Center.
Poznan (Poland).
Contemporary art biennal, including digital works (in 2010, notably, a work by Sommerer & Mignonneau).
Praga (Czech Republic)
- Enter Festival.
- Sperm festival (digital music and arts).
- Astronomical clock. See Dailymotion.
- Remember: Praga is the Golem's city.
Reykjavik (Iceland). Festivals: Iceland airwaves and Sequences
Riga (Latvia) Rixc. The Center for New Media Cuture.
Tallinn (Estonia): Festivals: h2>T and Plektrum.
Wroclaw (Poland) International Media Art Biennale
Latin America
Bogota (Colombia)
- Bogotrax festival.
Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
Index of the Brazilian artists presented in diccan.
- Architecture and town planning.
- File. Electronic Language International Festival.
Other countries
Buenos Ayres (Argentina). Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph.
Caracas (Venezuela). Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph (no website).
Lima (Peru): VAE Festival VAE (Video/arte/electronica).
Manizales (Colombia): Festival international de la imagen.

Mexico. Laboratorio Arte Alameda.
Mexico (Mexico)
- "Xipe Tofec" building , illuminated by some kilomeers of "web tubing", by Thomas Glasford.
- Circuito Electrovisiones festival.
- Laboratorio Arte Alameda.
- Mide (Museo interactivo de economia).
- Playa Grande (Dominica). Art Hotel, by Xefirotarch.
North America
Canada: the Northern Interactor
Vancouver has hosted the Siggraph in 2012 , and the satisfaction of participants (and a substantial public support) led to do it again in 2014. This part of Canada, anyway, is not too far from the Californian film Mecca and from Redmond, headquarters of Microsoft. In such a Northern country, art has to be lively. No wonder then if San Base plays the "dynamic painting" and two other famed artists, Char Davies and David Rokeby are interaction specialists.
Index of Canadian artists presented in diccan.
- Québec numérique, portal mostly about photography.
- Archée. An architecture studio. Publishes a news bulletin about digital art.
Banff (Alberta).
- The Banff Centre.
Cyberworlds 2011 conference.
- International Digital Art Biennal. Reports by Dominique Moulon : 2013 session, 2012 session.
- Elektra festival and Marché international des arts numériques (MAN). A note in 2011 by Dominique Moulon.
- Biennale internationale d’art numérique (BIAN).
- Mutek festival. Elektra festival.
- Oboro center.
Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
- Perte de signal arts center.
- Société des arts technogiques (SAT).
- Université du Québec à Montréal. Takes also part in Hexagram (see below).
- University Concordia. Hexagram Institute. The TAG center is a creation of Hexagram.
- Société des arts technologiques.
- OIAF (Ottawa International Animation Film) Festival.
Québec. Electra festival.
Saguenay (Québec). Sagamie, an artists residence;
Toronto. Subtle Technologies festival.

Vancouver. In 2011, the Convention Centre hosted the Siggraph conference, and will do it again in 2014.
- Newformfestival.
Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph.
- Siggraph 2011 conference.
- Vancouver Art Gallery. Sometimes digital art. For instance, they published in 2012 The Uncanny: Experiments in Cyborg Culture. edited by Bruce Grenier. Vancouver Art Gallery/Arsenal Pulp Press 2012.
Winnipeg:. Memetic (Manitoba electronic music exhibition)
The United States: mainstream and "tactical"
Seen from Paris, the US is synonym with mainstream: enormous budgets, industrial production, aggressive marketing. See Mainstream. Enquête sur cette culture qui plaît à tout le monde (by Frédéric Martel. Flammarion 2010). The work has been criticized, notably for a lack of up to date information. But it remains, as far as we know, the only one on this subject, and a fascinating trip.
The US is, with France, the only nation to combine a concern for worldwide peace and order with national interest. But their views are not universalist in the same sense are the French ones. Compare the human rights declarations of the French revolution with the American independence, the contrast is clear. Nowadays, France constantly calls to international organizations (UNO, International Criminal Court, ecological agreements) and contests for instance the American control of the addresses on Internet. The US asserts shamelessly that they have won the World Wars, including the cold one, and that their independence and World leadership is the best solution, since they are a peaceful and democratic country. Many French people wouldn't say the contrary, remembering the GI landing in 1944 and the fact that SDN as well as UNO were at their birth strongly supported by the American presidents W. Wilson and F.D. Roosevelt.
In digital arts, the annual show, conference and festival of Siggraph remain a basically American event. It belongs to the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), which is far from closed to international participation at its highest level (The French Alain Chesnais chaired it in 2011-2012). ACM and Siggraph have local chapters in nearly all countries of graphic importance. But the practical power lies in the New-York headquarters, and Siggraph has never left the US soil, with the exception of the nearby Vancouver in 2011 (and 2014). That's quite logical, since Hollywood remains by far the leader in production, and American corporations the leaders in graphic software (with the exception of the French Dassault).
One third of digital artists are American, and as we have said, our figures do not include the thousands of salaried artists in the production corporations.
But not all American artists play the mainstream game. Some even turn the digital tools against the dominant clouds. They are the tactical media, with a major representative group, the Critical Art Ensemble. Is it art? Duchamp like, at least.
- Index of the American artists presented in diccan.
Anaheim (California)
- Venue of 2013 Siggraph.
Not far from Los Angeles
- Disneyland park and resort.
Berkeley (California)
- Berkeley Center for New Media.
- ATC The Art, Technology and Culture Colloquium. Annual conference at University of Berkeley (Boston, Massachusetts).
- BanQ Restaurant , architecture par Office dA.
- Computer museum (with probably some art, but we didn't check...).
Boston (Massachusetts)
- ATNE. Aart ant Technology New England.
- Boston Cybearts Festival. "a non-profit arts organization created to foster, develop and present a wide spectrum of media arts including electronic and digital experimental arts programming".
Boulder (Colorado). Communikey festival.
Branson (Missouri). Haunted house. "5D experience, using an impressive number of resources" (Annick Hémery, Sonovision 5/2011, which gives technical data).
Cambridge (Massachusetts), near Boston.
- MIT Media Lab.
- MIT MI(Pi) Bar, by François Roche [Pïcon] p. 113.
- Swiss House. Teleconference room and Maison de la Suisse, teleconference and augmented reality room, designed by Jeff Huang and Muriel Waldvogell (but does it still exist nowadays?)
Cascade (Oregon). Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph
Chicago (Illinois)
- New Media Caucus (international organization)
- SAIC , School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Colombus (Ohio)
- Art and Technology Program, Ohio State
- Werner Center for the Arts (architecture). "The geometrical conflict is typical of the deconstructionnist period of postmodernism" [Picon] p. 63 (our translation).
Detroit (Michigan): Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph
Fort Lauderdale (Florida): Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph
Irvine (California). Beall Center
Las Vegas (Nevada). l Nab, annual show, dedicated to audiovisual and new media technologies.
Los Angeles (California).
- Every second year (approximately), conference, show and animation festival: Siggraph, and one or two local chapters of the ACM Siggraph.
- Lacda Los Angeles Center for Digital Arts
- Hollywood, of course
- Lacda. Los Angeles center for digital arts.
- Honor Fraser Gallery. With the digital artist Jeremy Blake.
- Spoorg.Light and sound sensitive installation, by Servo. Lasted from 2006 to 2008. Technical description in [Burry].
- Lace (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions). Openings, an interactive storefront installation built into the façade.
- Iotacenter. Art center.
Menlo Park (California): Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
Miami (Florida)
- Art Basel Miami Beach.
Minneapolis (Minnesota)
- Walker Art Center. In 2000, its New Media initiative was headed by Steve Dietz.
- Eyeo festival.
- Spark festival
Professional chapter of the 'ACM Siggraph
- The University of Minnesota is very active about new medias (liberal orientation), with several important titles in the catalog of its Publishing corporation.

Columbia University, New York. Computer music center
New York (NY)
- A lot of data and feeling in Digitalarti (summer 2012).
- Whitney Museum.
- Moma, Museum Of Modern Art.
- Guggenheim museum. October 2010, expositon YouTube Play: A Biennal of Creative Video. Commented in [Quaranta 2013] p 6-7.
- New Museum of Contemporary Art. Not much digital.
- Columbia University (New York City). A visit to the a "School of the arts" does not let think that digital art has a large place here. Nevertheless, the University includes:
. Computer music center,
- Conflux Festival.
- Hope festival.
- Eyebeam Art and Technology Center.
. Postmasters Gallery,
- Festival of Media + Culture
- Cutlog, a French event colocated with Frieze.
Ourpost : in New York: fresh air under the French flag (2013).
. GSAPP Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. Among other artists: Laura Kurgan, visualisation of stock and capital moves.
- Rhizome. An arts center. Founded in 1996 by Mark Tribe.
- Professional chapter of l'ACM Siggraph.
- Printed Matters (on Tenth Av.), a bookshop specialized in Artist's books.
- Some digital works in Guggenheim museum.
- Some digital works in the Moma. See the guide: Highlights since 1980. 250 Works from the Museum of Modern Art. Moma, New York C. 2012.
- (Brooklyn), 319 Scholes , a center of arts, sometimes engaged in digital art.
- Zürcher Studio. Digital artists.
- Bitforms, proposes notably: Daniel Canogar, U-Ram Choe, R. Luke DuBois, Lynn Hershman, Tim Knowles, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Manfred Mohr, Daniel Rozin, Lincoln Schatz and Björn Schülke. According to [Cameron], she has one time hosted Casey Reas, one of the creators of Processing.
- Devotion Gallery. More a place to meet and speak that a gallery proper. Opens only on week-ends.
Microscope Gallery, Brooklyn. Present at Cutlog 2013.
- Pace Digital Gallery. Rather a performance site.
- Soho Gallery fof Digital Art (SGDA). A true exposing gallery, mainly on large screens.
- Moca, Museum of Computer Art. Website only.
- Catharine Clark Gallery
Orlando (Florida): Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania). Frank Ratchye Studio for Creative Inquiry. Carnegie-Mellon University.
Rochester (New York)
Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
Salt Lake City (Utah)
- Umoca, Utah museum of contemporary art. Analogital exposition.
- The Leonardo
San Diego (California)
- Center for Research in Computing and the Arts.
Professional chapter of l'ACM Siggraph.
- Digital Art Guild. Mainly "Photoshop" art.
San Francisco (California)
- Zero1 Biennal.
- San Francisco Art Institute". In 1995 "I was amazed that there was a school where I could do both traditional fine art, as well as work on computers." writes Trina Chow.
Arse Electronica Festival (about sex and technology).
- Exploratorium.
- The Lab
- Gaffta. Gray Area Foundation for the Arts.
San Jose (California)
01SJ Biennal. (with San Francisco and Berkeley), see above.
- In the airport, large illuminated wall eCloud. See Hafermaas.
Seattle (Washington State)
- Decibel festival.
- Central Library. The architecture of temporary exhibitions.
Stanford (California). CCRMA , Center for computer research in music and acoustics.
Troy (New-York).
- The BioArt Initiative at Rensselaer.
Venice (California). Slavin House, home of the architect Greg Lynn. Technical description in [Burry]: "The house conforms to a model with two cotangent arcs and linear segments which, in spite of their dimensions and changing curvature, remain contiguous and tangent in the process".
Washington (Washington DC): Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph
Middle East - Africa
Art of Islamic countries are evidently marked by the interdiction of human bodies, and even more of God representation. But since digital art is at present nearly absent of these countries, we cannot perceive its effects... if not precisely the difficulty of any avant-garde art.
- Islamic automation : a reading of Al-Jazari's The book of knowledge of Ingenious mechanical devices (1206). by Gunalan Nadarajan. 16 pages in [Grau].
The Arab spring has not yet had time enough to give an expression here. But L'art syrien résiste en ligne.
By contrast, Israel is comparatively productive. But not as much as it could seem (see for instance, below, the Digital Art Lab of Holon).
About Africa, a special issue of MCD June-August 2013, signed by Karen Dermineur. Our comment. It insists on the specificity of African digital art (notably, collective). About cell-phones, for instance "What we see is not the development of a new system but the expansion or growth of a powerful socio-cultural system which pre-exists and is inherent to the working of the African society".
Dubai (Dubai Emirate)
- Fun City. Sound experiments and augmented reality.
The country is strongly open to digital art.
Index of Israeli artists presented in diccan.
Bethlehem. Fun for Christmas.
Holon. Digital Art Lab. The Israeli center for digital art. Seems practicing video only (on 7/2013).
Jerusalem. Sound and light on the David's tower (medieval city). Technical details, see Projection.
Art museum Conference by Preston Scott Cohen. Notably a superb bannister. -
- Contemporary art museum at Hrzliya.
- Agams' fountain.
Bamako (Mali). Pixelini festival.
Cairo (Egypt)
- Di-Egy Fest. Digital art festival, led by Elham Khattab and Haytham Nawar. One page in in [Dermineur].
- See Insight.
- Medrar, contemporary art center, with some digital activities.
Dakar (Senegal)
Afropixel festival.
- A Pure Data worshop was held in Dakar in 2011, led by Cyrille Henry.
- Metissacana art center.
- Dak'Art_Lab. and the biennal Dak'Art (one page in [Dermineur]).
- Kër Thiossane. A villa for art and multimedia.
Lagos (Nigeria)
- Video Art Network.
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
- Fablab Burkina and Vision Afric, pushed by Gildas Guiella.
One page in [Dermineur].
Rabat (Maroc)
- L'appartement 22. A center for arts.
Tunis (Tunisia): "In Tunisia, digital tools use took off in 2088 approimately" (says in [Dermineur], p. 49)
- E-Fest. Discovery and training of digital creation, led by Afif Riahi. One page in [Dermineur].It took place in 2012. Will it last in 2013...
Index of Tunisian artist presented in diccan.
Festival Fest (Festival échos sonores of Tunis)
Wits (South Africa)
- In 2000, MTN Digital/Electronics Art Exhibition), see [Dermineur].
Yaounde (Cameroon)
- Ravy, Visual arts meeeting.
One page with images in [Dermineur].

Melbourne: Australian center of virtual art.
Asia - Oceania
Australia: the generative island
Sydney and Melbourne have institutions for virtual and electronic arts. The philosopher Hugo de Garis is famed for his forecastings (rather pessimistic). Linda Dement, a film maker, with a film like Cyberflesh girlmonster, will not soothe your anxieties. Alan Dorin and Jon McCormack are positively creative. Gaffney Nick offers you the tools to make it concrete. Troy Innocent will immerge you into highly generative universes.
Index of Australian artists presented in diccan.
- Experimenta Media Arts "Australia’s preeminent media arts organisation, dedicated to commissioning, exhibiting and touring the best Australian and international contemporary media art. We operate on a biennial mode". Precedently Mima (Modern Makers Image Association).
1986-1996 , by Gemma Lumley. She says notably: "In October 1994, Prime Minister Paul Keating announced his new Creative Nation arts and culture policy. 35 The policy was all encompassing , and ranged from what it was to be Australian to multimedia and CD - ROM creation , and tied cultural capital to financial capital for the nation"
- Top 50 independent film heroes.
Adelaide. Anat (Australian Network or Art and Technology).
Brisbane: Festival Open Frame.
- Experimenta. Art center, expositions?
- ACVA Australian center of virtual art.
Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph.
Newcastle. Electrofringe festival.
Perth. Symbiotica.
- Isea. Internal symposium on Electronic arts.
- Electrofringe (in Sydney ?). A "not-for-profit community based experimental electronic arts and culture organisation dedicated to presentation, skills development and artistic exchange with a special emphasis on early career opportunities and accessibility."
- Festival Liquid Architecture
- The Opera house, with its conchs architecture, is often the place for spectacular light shows.
Profession chapter of ACM Siggraph

Beijing: the China museum of digital art (Cmoda).
China: taking-off?
If you copy the following ideograms 中國數字藝術 in Google, you will receive a lot of answers, but only in Chinese characters. You get an easier access asking for "images". At first look, there is nothing very impressive. But first looks can be deceptive. Any advices will be appreciated.
We write this post just before taking our train for Art Basel 2013, where China presents digital art at Art Basel. China's momentum on all planes will certainly project strong lines in the digital art space. Is there a Chinese touch? After its destructive cultural revolution and its turn to state capitalism, Beijing seems aiming more to power than to cultural originality. But Art Basel did not confirm our hopes. Let's wait for 2014 ?
- Index of Chinese artists quoted in diccan.- If you are ready to go deep into the Chinese digital world:
. Chinese Computational Linguistics by Maosong Sun, Min Zhang, Dekang Lin and Haifeng Wang. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 8202: Springe 2013.
. Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing by Guodong Zhou, Juanzi Li, Dongyan Zhao andYansong Fen. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Volume 400. Springer 2013.
- Cinema: "In two dozen interviews at theaters around Beijing, some patrons said they were pleased that domestic films were beginning to adopt Hollywood production values. But younger viewers, especially those who have grown up downloading U.S. sitcoms and films - nearly all of them illicitly - increasingly demand the technical wizardry and narrative complexity that they say is often lacking in productions with state backing" (Shao Heng et Andrew Jacobs, International Herald Triibune, 19/7/2011). Cheang Shu-Lea Performance and cinema. She is deliberately inflammatory.
- Photography: A history of Chinese contemporary photography, by David Rosenberg, Pierre Sterckx. Published by Galerie Paris Beijing, 2012. This big book contains a chapter on digital photographers, with four artists: Miao Xiachun, Liu Ren, Yang Yongliang and Yang Yi. It's more digital editing or compositing than full digital art.
- Painting and sculpture: Mahjong. Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Colleiction, by Hatje Cantz. Kunstmuseun Bern and Hamburger Kunsthalle, 2005. Three artists may be cited here:
Haang Yong Ping, with hand movable discs, which could be taken as a form of kinetic art
- Rather procedural calligraphers: Ding Yi, Chen Guangwu and Lu Qing. It's more hand art than digital, but could be seen as a foretaste of more digital projects.
- Feng Mengbo, with interactive installations.
Note that Chinese contemporary art is promoted in Paris (3e) and Brussels by Galerie Paris Beijing, founded in 2006 by Flore and Romain Degoul. It is "dedicated to represent emerging and established artists within two main artistic focuses which are contemporary photography and more generally, the Asian art scene".
Laboratory Art Beijing
- China museum of digital art.
- National stadium Wikipedia.
- Beijing Institute of Technology. School of Optoelectronic Engineering.
A chapter of l'ACM Siggraph (no accessible website in 2012).
- Festival Translife (triennal).
Chep Lap Koll Airport, by Forster & Partners [Picon] comments (p. 124): "Digital culture and the computer tools which go along with not only afforded the architecture studios to control gigantic projects... on the computer screens, these forms seem to float without predefined dimensions... " (our translation from French).
- Microwave festival.
- Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph.
- Note that Jeffrey Shaw (since 2009) and Maurice Benayoun (since 2012) live now in Hong-Kong.
- Art Basel Hong Kong
- K11 Center. Founded in 2008
- Super Nature is a Shanghai design studio, playing notably with interaction
- Museum of contemporary art (it hosts certainly some digital art, but we could not check).
Digital art festival
India: promising grassroots
- A rich and ancient culture. More recently, Bollywood develops a tradition amounting to several decades in software and digital arts. Literature on Indian art focusses generally on traditional art, with no mention of digital art or of the grassroot kinetic art of Ganesth. A typical book on this line: Indian Art by Roy C. Craven (Thames & Hudson).
Index of Indian artists presented in diccan.
< Speech, Sound and Music Processing: Embracing Research in India by Sølvi Ystad, Mitsuko Aramaki, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Kristoffer Jensen, Sanghamitra Mohanty. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 7172. Springer, c. 2012.
- Computer Arts (2/2011) "discovered, in India, a graphical stage in full effervescence, fighting against global occidental, style homogenization, and digging down its own roots. (Our translation). Four pages.
- Design Iatra festival.
- Bombay: Theaters of automata on the annual Ganesh (or Ganapati) day. See [Grimaud].
Japan: smiling robots
French observers, even having lived in Japan for decades, do not pretend to understand this fascinating civilization. It's depicted by a lot of books. Many of them, like Arthur Koestler or Hermann von Keyserling, express contradictory feelings of love and hate. Japanese are at the same time free-minded and strongly socially formatted.
A particularly dense and informative texts is Device art : a new approach in understanding Japanese contemporary media art, by Machico Kusahara 29 pages in [Grau]. "Probably the most notable feature is a playful and positive attitude toward technology, rather than a negative and critical stance". (This was written in the early 2000's. Fukushima has perhaps changed that).
In sex matters, for instance, their open attitude contrasts with the prudish America, but falls nearly at the same time in sado-masochistic themes. That is both a result and a cause of a particularly dramatic history. Twice raped by the US marines, but unforgivably remorseless invaders. It is now stunned by Fukushima, a natural disaster in the tradition of the land, but amplified by nuclear breakdowns...
Robots hold a very specific status in Japan. In nearly all other countries, robots fascinate but with a strong negative drive (see our notes about robots in art). Here they are mostly seen as friendly partners, as well in industry (for instance, in the Glory society, see an article in Challenges (5/24/2013, in French) as life companions, let alone sex partners. If the singularity is to happen anywhere, it will be in Japan since this country, at the same time, makes very few children and does not favor immigration. Then its population is ageing, and robots more and more necessary in production as well services to persons and entertainment.
At the end of 20th century, Japan made several attempts to challenge the US digital domination, for instance the Tron operating system, industrial production of software or artificial intelligence ("The 5th generation).
In digital arts, Japan is strongly present. Yoichiro Kawaguchi for instance, is nearly every year in Siggraph, with its warm smile and indefinite, frequently humorous, creativity. In Laval Virtual, Japanese student teams bring each year the core of the "emerging technologies" session. But less than 50 Japanese artists are listed by diccan.
Index of Japanese artists presented in diccan.
- In the 80's, Nikograph show.
< Anime and philosophy. Wide eyed wonder. ed. by Josef Steiff and Tristan D. Tamplin. Chicago, Open Court 2010.
< Tokyo Cyber-Punk. Post-humanism in Japanese visual culture. by Steven T. Brown. Palgrave Macmillan 2010.
< Otaku. Japan's Database Animals. by Hiroli Azuma. University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis 2009 (Japanese original, 2001)
Device art: a new approach in understanding Japanese contemporary media art. 29 pages in[Grau]. About contemporary Japanese digital art.
Japanese visual culture, by Mark MacWilliams (ed.). M.E. Sharpe 2008.
Faire de la bande desssinée, by Scott McCloud (Delcourt 2007), some precise pages about manga making and drawing
< L'imaginaire érotique au Japon. by Agnès Girard. Albin Michel 2007.
< The ethics of aesthetics in Japanese cinema and literature. by Nina Cornyetz. Routledge 2007
Japanese graphics now, by Gizela Kozak and Julius Wiedemann (eds.) Taschen 2006.
< Japanamerica, How Japanese pop culture has invaded the U.S. by Roland Kelts. Palgrave Macmillan 2006.
Culture Manga, by Fabien Tillon. Nouveau Monde 2006.
Crééz votre shojo sur ordinateur, Yishan Studio. Dunod/Pika 2009.
L'esthétique du temps au Japon. Du zen au virtuel. by Christine
Buci-Glucksman, Galilée, Paris 2001.
< 1910-1970. Japon des avant-gardes. Françoise Bonnefoy ed. Editions du Centre Pompidou 1986.
More ancient, about Japanese civilization in general:
< L'ambiguïté en japonais écrit. by Maurice Coyaud. Association pour l'analyse du folklore, P.A.P. Paris 1985.
< Le lotus et le robot. by Arthur Koestler. Calmann-Lévy 1961
Journal de voyage d’un
philosophe. by Hermann Keyserling. Stock – Delamain et Boutelleau, Paris
< The Unexpected. (1928) and The Cinematographic Principle and the Ideogram (1929). in Film Form, by Sergei Eisenstein. Harcourt Brace, New York 1949. About kabuki, ideograms, etc. A quotation: "The Japanese cinema is excellently equipped with corporations, actors and stories. But the Japanese cinema is completely unaware of montage. Nevertheless the principle of montage can be identified as the basic element of Japanese representational culture."
- Around Hiroki Azuma, a whole post-modern philosophy comments these new developments. One of his works has been translated in French Génération Otaku. Les enfants de la post-modernité. Hachette 2008 (Japanese original 2001)
- About Japanese animes and mangas, the Minnesota University ogranizes each year the Mechademia conference, and publishes its proceedings (Francis Lunning ed. ):
.1. Emerging worlds of anime and manga. 2006,
.2. Networks of desire. 2007,
.3. Limits of
the human. 2008,
.4. War/Time. 2009.
To be published:
.5. Fanthropologies,
.6. User Enhancement,
.7. Lines of Sight.

Sendai: the media library.
Osaka: Kanzai Air Terminal, by architect Renzo Piano.
Sendai Media library.
- Japan Media Arts Festival.
- ICC (NTT InterCommunication Center).
Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph
- Universities in Tokyo.
Yokohama: Internal space of maritime terminal, by Foreign Office Architects [Picon] p. 89
Other Asian countries
Bangkok (Thailand). Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph
Manila(Philippines). Professional chapter of ACM Siggraph
Seoul (South Korea)
- In 2011, Digital Baths.
- Nabi Art Center
- Siggraph Asia 2010. See The trailer.
Media City
- Worldwide festival.
Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph (Siggraph Asia was held there in 2008 and 2012).
Songdo (Korea): Indaf festival
Taipei (Taiwan):
Professional chapter of the ACM Siggraph
- Tourist roads of Alishan
- At least one artist, Zhan Jia-Hua.
Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
- Festivals: CellsButton and YIVF (Yogyakarta international videoworks festival)
The Honf (House of natural fiber).