L'art Génératif. Complements to the book text
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2.2. The text, its roots, its materialization.
You will find a substantial panorama of this form of Art in the group or articles La littérature numérique set on line by Philippe Bootz ( Bootz) .
Index of the digital writers quoted in diccan.com.
Index of digital calligraphers numériques
altx.com. "Where the digerati meet the literati".
Assoziations-Blaster. "The Assoziations-Blaster is an interactive text network. Anyone, including you, is allowed to contribute to the text database. And all the texts inside this database are connected automatically in real time. You can not browse through all the texts in a linear way. Instead you jump from one text to another depending on their connections, revealing new meanings and associations. The information in the database is organized through keywords. Every text belongs to a keyword, and the keywords create the connections between the texts. You are also allowed to create new keywords after certain intervals. So with your contribution you can help to build up a non-linear map of all things that exist."
Electronic Literature Directory.
See text, books, comic books, literature, poetry, printing, typography, writing
Ubu. This website deals with text, but not only. Do note parts as conceptual writing, ethnopoetry,
Leibnizian monads, see Monadology in Wikipedia
Knuth, Meyer , Lévy.

Camille Utterbach : jeu graphique et interactif sur un texte
Jean-Pierre Balpe. Notice Diccan.
Maurice Benayoun. Notice Diccan. Page du Paris ACM Siggraph
Philippe Bootz. Compléments dans la notice Diccan
Chapman is a founder of Outrapo.
Julien Breton (Kalaam). Le site Kalaam.
Philippe Castellin. Notice Sitaudis. Plusieurs vidéos de performances sur Dailymotion notamment.
Chomsky is the father of Generative Grammars.
Claude Faure. No website, see tne note in Bootz.
Edouard Lussan. Notice dans Bootz.
Julien Maire. Notice
Rafael Perez y Perez Wikipedia (en espagnol)
Camille Utterbach et la notice Diccan.
Ali Reza Expériences de typographie générative. Citons le : Over the past year I worked on several client projects and got a fulltime job (which I am no longer at), which kept me pretty busy. When I did get some time, I ended up experimenting with typography, color, simulations (particles, springs, and fluid), audio-input and simple rule based systems. These images are the results of half a year or so of coding, tinkering, tweaking, manipulating, and massaging algorithms for generative typography. Read more about these images and how these were created.After briefly experimenting with typography and dynamic systems in Nov. 2010, I started to experiment with color after being inspired by Paul Smith’s vibrant color palette. I believe in minimalism, and for a long time I used only monochromatic color palettes. I still believe in minimalism, but utilize color to make things pop and to give them a playful personality. The image below is of a simple particle-spring simulation melting downward because of the effects of gravity, but staying together because of the springs. When color is applied it starts to resemble a matt oil painting.

Ali Reza : l'art "typo", jouant avec des caractères
2.2.1. Disappointing results
- A lot of things in La littérature numérique , a large online work by Philippe Bootz in 2006 (Leonardo website).
- Flaubert simulations, technically convincing, by do not lead to really creative text.
- Jacques Roubaud, who would like to do mathematics, turned himself to poetry.
- Cadavre exquis, see . Wikipedia.
- Oulipo.
- Albert Ducrocq.
- Ferdinand de Saussurre: Cours de
linguistique générale. Edition critique
préparée par Tullio de Mauro. Payot 1972. This text has played a major role in preparation of structuralism and then in digitization.
Deep blue, Watson, see IBM.
2.2.2. Combinatorial games
- Dada creates the Cadavre Exquis combinatorial system of texts or images.
- Queneau is a writer in the classical acception, but also a player of language. He took an important part in the Oulipo movement.
- Garbagnati

Calliope, by Albert Ducrocq, the firts machine which automatically generated text.
2.2.3. The nihilist way of Jean-Pierre Balpe
Jean-Pierre Balpe. See Diccan note . Balpe tends to prove that automatic generation of text is finally useless.
2.2.4. The critics inside the software itself
Rafael Perez y Perez and Mexica. Wikipedia (in Spanish)
2.2.5. Philippe Bootz, and some others
Philippe Bootz. Compléments in Diccan's notice
He took part in the foundation of the Transitoire Observable group. He was very active there until 1996.2.2.6. The material expression of text. Typography, calligraphy, prosody.
Index of calligraphy and typography digital artists quoted in diccan.
See speech, storytelling, typography, vocal
Philippe Castellin. Notice Sitaudis. Several videos of performances, for instance on Dailymotion. An. Example.
Julien Maire : nothing accessible but Bootz, but indicated by Moulon.
Claude Faure. No website. See notes in Bootz.
Edouard Lussan. Notes in Bootz.
Julien Maire. Notice
Julien Breton (Kalaam). The Kalaam website. Not properly dgital, even from the artist's standpoint. But text is always somehow digital, and Kalaam works force attention.

Ali Reza : "typo" art, plahying with characters.
Ali Reza . Generative typography experiences. Let's quote him : "Over the past year I worked on several client projects and got a fulltime job (which I am no longer at), which kept me pretty busy. When I did get some time, I ended up experimenting with typography, color, simulations (particles, springs, and fluid), audio-input and simple rule based systems. These images are the results of half a year or so of coding, tinkering, tweaking, manipulating, and massaging algorithms for generative typography. Read more about these images and how these were created.After briefly experimenting with typography and dynamic systems in Nov. 2010, I started to experiment with color after being inspired by Paul Smith’s vibrant color palette. I believe in minimalism, and for a long time I used only monochromatic color palettes. I still believe in minimalism, but utilize color to make things pop and to give them a playful personality. The image below is of a simple particle-spring simulation melting downward because of the effects of gravity, but staying together because of the springs. When color is applied it starts to resemble a matt oil painting."
Camille Utterbach , and see Diccan note.
2.2.7. The future of generative text is still ahead of us
Watson, see IBM.