L'art Génératif. Complements to the book text
Return to summmary. See Index
2.3. Music
Le chant de la machine
Thelonius Monk
Michael Jackson
Daft Punk.
See instrument, music, organ, score, sound , timbre
2.3.2. The purists, Hiller and Barbaud
John Cage
Steve Reich
Pierre Barbaud. See also Wikipedia
Lejaren Hiller
2.3.3. Iannis Xenakis, le réaliste
Notice diccan
Xenakis, exemple de partition. La génération graphique au service du son.
2.3.4. The General Public music : savant or pop
Brian Eno.
dLejaren Hiller.
Stockausen. Wikipedia.
2.3.5. Algorithmic musicians
Michael Edwards.
Michael Gogins. His web p age
Lauri Gröhn. Interview Audio and multimédia : "Music springs out of the image".
Hanspeter Kyburz. Wikipedia.
Golan Levin.
Matt Pyke.
Generative ways of creating or playing music can :
- use automated accompanists (more or less robot shaped),
- compose on stage in real time, in other words live coding

Martin Wattenberg : Song-intro.Even music can be translated into images.
2.3.6. Relationship with image : to draw or to sculpt music
Amit Pitaru. His personal page.
Martin Wattenberg. Personal page . He is not limited to music !
Musicovery, a website to hear music, wih a graphic interface to choose the airs;